

New Member
Ok i have set up my new 40gl long, it is in the process of cycling and the stand i have currently dosent look very stable so we have ordered(sp?) a new wood stand from my lfs and my question is if i take out all the lr and water move the tank and stand and put the new stand where i want it and put the water and lr back in would it disrupt the cycle and have to start over?


No, it shouldn't be bad... You'll get a spike because of disrupting your sand bed but it should only last a few days. Any fish that you have (if any) will probably be very unhappy so you may want to put them in your hospital tank.
Just take all the live stuff out and into your HT with pumps and water and then put the sand in the new tank first... add half the water back but let the water drain down the side or use a cup to ease the sand disruption. Then move your live stuff back over and all done. Good job on catching the potential hazard first before you were fully populated!!! GREAT!


Active Member
Yes, you should be fine. It may cause a small ammonia spike due to you disrupting the sand, but that is all.
At this point, you should have no fish in there, so the ammonia spike will not be a concern. It may delay your cycle by a few days.