225 Galon Upgrade.

Hello all,
I am upgrading my 90 gallon reef to a 225 gallon.
This new tank is 96" x 18" x 30" is set up as a 360 view it has two build in overflows on the ends but in the center.
I have not had good luck with sump setups so I would like to hear from you about how you would set the sumps up.
I keep going back and forth about sumps or canisters on this tank.
I can add two canisters or sump under the tank and run them through the overflows witch have a hole going up next to the overflows for the returns.
What do you think I would love to hear from you even pictures of your sumps and what you have in them would be great.

This is my 90 gallon I will put pictures of the 225 gallon on tonight.
Thanks for your input.


Well-Known Member
That's a beautiful 90g softie tank! Can't wait to see the upgrade. I'll see if i can rustle up some pics of my sump on the 110g.


Active Member
I would set up a sump if you can... If they are done right, it is the way to go.
Here is a pic of my 67g sump for my 125g reef tank. It is plumbed into a fish room (Do a fish room if you can!!).

It is a bit of a non-traditional sump. I do not use a three baffle bubble trap between the three sections. No need. I have never had micro bubble issues. I run the sump more like a two chamber sump and the water only falls over the skimmer chamber to the refugium. The return pump (just below the blue tape) is separated by some gutter guard to keep the macro's in the fuge.
Instead of a filter sock, I have the gray media box. I use sheets of poly fill cut to size and changed weekly. You can see the BRS dual reactors (GFO and Carbon) pulling from the skimmer section and dumping into the refugium. Tunze osmolator for an Auto top off, 32g Brute trash can for a reservoir. I keep about 30-40 lbs of LR in the fuge along with cheato and caulerpa.
Since this pic was taken I have put my algae scrubber back online. That has really helped removing excess nutrients.
Originally Posted by sweatervest13 http:///t/395029/225-galon-upgrade#post_3516256
I would set up a sump if you can... If they are done right, it is the way to go.
Here is a pic of my 67g sump for my 125g reef tank. It is plumbed into a fish room (Do a fish room if you can!!).
That is so weird I was just talking to my husband and because I have 7 tanks we are going to set up a fish room in the basement I'm so excited.
It will have 225,125, 100, 90, 75, 29, 14 gallon tanks (the room next to it will be a set up for sumps)
225 Saltwater Reef
125 African Cichlids FW
100 Pacu's FW
90 Saltwater fish Only
75 Saltwater (undecided what kind)
29 SW QT tank
14 FW QT tank
Is there a way to set up a sump for all of the saltwater tanks? I know that the QT tank will have to be on it's own.
How do you set up a auto top off?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mmstillwell01 http:///t/395029/225-galon-upgrade#post_3516260
That is so weird I was just talking to my husband and because I have 7 tanks we are going to set up a fish room in the basement I'm so excited.
It will have 225,125, 100, 90, 75, 29, 14 gallon tanks (the room next to it will be a set up for sumps)
225 Saltwater Reef
125 African Cichlids FW
100 Pacu's FW
90 Saltwater fish Only
75 Saltwater (undecided what kind)
29 SW QT tank
14 FW QT tank
Is there a way to set up a sump for all of the saltwater tanks? I know that the QT tank will have to be on it's own.
How do you set up a auto top off?
The Tunze Osmolator is pretty easy to set up. It comes with a couple of very strong magnets which hold the float switch (Tunze uses an optic sensor for the low water level). It has a small lifter pump that will pump water into the tank until the optic sensor senses that the water hits the level. Then if you ever have a flood the float switch rings an alarm. Pretty neat. Google Tunze Osmolator 3155.

40 gallon I have a African Cichlid in there that likes to move every thing I put in the tank.

75 gallon with two 12" Pacu's and one 6" Dollor Fish I cant put alot of decor in there they move it every where.

125 gallon African Cichlid tank there are 30 cichlids in this tank.
Now the 225 gallon build.

The Stand is being redone.

gtting ready to clean it out, it's a used tank.

the overflow and return.

Hubby building stand.
I am using the sump and canister filter from my 90 gallon tank for this tank and also setting up another one for the other side of the tank.
I'm worried about my fish and coral in the 90, how do I move every thing over to the 225 gallon with out loosing anything?
Will my sump and canister filter be OK to just transfer every thing over and keep up with the load even though is 135 more gallons?
This is my plain let me know if I should do something else.
Right now I am making RO water (taking forever!!!) I am pumping the water from the RO unit straight into the tank.
When I have the tank about 3/4 of the way full I will mix the salt right in the tank.
When that is ready I will add the new sand in the tank.
Now this is where I'm not sure what 100% what to do.
Do I place every thing into tubs from the 90, then take the sump and canister filter from the 90 and add to the new tank.
then add the sand from the 90 on top of the new sand in the new tank?
then add the rock, coral and fish to the 225 all in the same day?
Will doing it this way crash my tank?
I have the the ATM colony for 300 gallons I was hoping this would help with the bio load in the new tank has anyone ever used this?
also I'm not sure how to get my Bubble tip anemone to release it's foot from in between my rock and back glass with out hurting it or myself, any idea's?
Almost have the water ready, it's been taking forever to make RO water, I need to upgrade to a bigger RO system

I'm hoping to set it up this weekend, we'll see how it goes then I'll post more pictures.
some new pictures, it's not done yet but here's how it is right now.

I still have more rock and coral to put in the tank.
The out side panels for the top and bottom need to be put on, we built it so the out side panels can be completely removed if needed.
We still need to move the 90 gallon you see behind it, and run the electric through the ceiling so the wires will not show.
and I have two more light fixtures that are going up.
but we're getting there.

My BTA split the night I put it in the new tank

You can see the other half on the back side of the rock, one think I like about a 360 tank.

My cleaner shrimp hanging out with the BTA
