225 or BUST........


New Member
Hello fellow hobbyist....
Well 7+ years looking at this tank and its time to set her up and enjoy it...
I have a 225 black back show tank (so i've been told) it's 24"x30"x72" with dual corner over flows boxes ( 8"x8").
I just went on a buying frenzy and got almost everything ive been researching and then i find this place. Where have you been all my life. LOL

So now i have 3 Ecotech Marine radiones and 2 MP40s plus a sump being built plus a 40w UV sterilizer plus plus plus.....
I am gonna put it all together next weekend and pics to follow. I look forward to being on here a lot for help and im sure with bad news as well as good news....


Originally Posted by newbiereefer http:///t/393060/225-or-bust#post_3493868
Hello fellow hobbyist....
Well 7+ years looking at this tank and its time to set her up and enjoy it...
I have a 225 black back show tank (so i've been told) it's 24"x30"x72" with dual corner over flows boxes ( 8"x8").
I just went on a buying frenzy and got almost everything ive been researching and then i find this place. Where have you been all my life. LOL

So now i have 3 Ecotech Marine radiones and 2 MP40s plus a sump being built plus a 40w UV sterilizer plus plus plus.....
I am gonna put it all together next weekend and pics to follow. I look forward to being on here a lot for help and im sure with bad news as well as good news....
great choice on equipment. Ecotech is the #%*@!


Active Member
Agreed MP40s are awesome, if your going to use them get the Wireless Drivers and you can sync them up to run opposite each other, or create waves, random patterns, etc. Excellent choice and I will be upgrading to them soon myself. Also the battery backup is an awesome choice if you can afford it.


Originally Posted by Xcali1985 http:///t/393060/225-or-bust#post_3493901
Agreed MP40s are awesome, if your going to use them get the Wireless Drivers and you can sync them up to run opposite each other, or create waves, random patterns, etc. Excellent choice and I will be upgrading to them soon myself. Also the battery backup is an awesome choice if you can afford it.
yep. i am upgrading to leds this christmas.. still deciding on what kind...
ecotech or AI,
ecotech or AI,
ecotech, etc.
I am leaning for ecotech xr30. NOT the radion pro, since they are 950! a pop! i thought 750 was expensive!


Active Member
The new AI Vega are amazing! Don't think any fixture out right now is in that ball park. The AI Sols are probably one of the best built units available


Active Member
I built mine DIY from rapidled.
However, I have a friend with 3 AI SOLs on his tank and I can get picks later.