


What are your thoughts? Do you want to breed food for another tank, for fun, what reason?


freshwater guppies is about all you are going to get in that tank...i dont beleive anything saltwater would breed in that size tank...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanks Alot
i read on seahorses. org that you can breed dwarfs in a 10gal is that true
You would also have to breed food for the dwarf's and their offspring. It's not something to jump into for fun.
Continue reading at that site and others.


Active Member
yea, you can do dwarf seahorses...however even a 10 can be a little big unless you have a big colony as they are TINY...but they take a LOT of care...not something you just want to jump in like said above...there are other sites(especially the one you mentioned) that have tons of good info for caring for dwarf seahorse and hatching brine shrimp(as it is needed many times daily).