24 g. Nano Cube


So this is what I have to look forward to? Can hardly wait... What are the little brown softies off to the right and when can I get some?


they are brown with green eyed palythoas. Once your cycle is finished and is constant get some. Dont touch your eyes or mouth or open sores after touching them though or you can go into anaphylactic shock. They grow fast adn are reasonable. I actually got those with only 3 polyps for 8 bucks. that was just over six months ago. Lower flow, medium light. I don't have them in the perfect place, but they are hardy.


new pics as spoken of. Not the best, but o.k. Finally get to see BOTH of my cocos out at the same time. I have waited and waited. My blueberry is mostly nocturnal as of yet, but today it had about half of the polyps fully open for a couple of hours in the day. The yellow is always out in the day except now that i want to take pictures. any way here goes



thanks bud. I waited and waited and waited to find a misbar I really liked. then there were two just like that from two different places I could afford one at the time though. Funny huh. Wierd. i love misbars.
thanks again


getting a small piece ( 5 or 6 polyps )of blasto next week. I post pics when it comes. Also, anyone want to buy a 7 + inch tall green toadstool? Moving over to a only LPS tank. I will even throw in a couple of small softie frags - cabbage, adn finger leather. Feel free to email me at vailboxergreen@yahoo.com.


Got the new blasto. crappy service, and it sat for more than two days due to shipping snafu on the shippers end. It is doing great though. Getting another 7 polyp piece on tuesday. As well I got a one of a kind sponge with encrusting zoos. I also have 5 more blasto frags coming on tuesday with a third coco worm. Im addicted to the cocos. I ll post pics soon.


HUGE SCARE TONIGHT!!! I fed my corals adn others. I turned off the main filtration powerhead to do so. When I turned it back on, it did not do a damn thing. For the following twenty minutes I was scrambling with a flashlight between my chin and shoulder trying to get it to work, checking all connections, the power supply, occasionally getting shocked from any dripping water going down the power cord. that is what told me it must be the ph, and not the power. So I ran the tank on my chiller pump for a while by flowing the outtake directly into the tank for a while, then all of a sudden, the main powerhead turned back on, causing the intake eductor to disconnect from the ph. Now I was REALLY getting shocked as water went everywhere but IN> Problem solved, and the power no longer shocking anything, but WOW, I thought I was going to lose everything before any store opened for me to buy to another ph. STUPID F@#%$#@ ^#%&^$@ JBJ. I think I am going to buy a replacement ph just for the future just in case. ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?