24 g nano cube



can anyone help me out in terms of anenomes for a 24 gal nano cube, my lfs assured me a sebae would do great in my tank and i listened to them and now it is not looking good, please help
The past week it looked like this
Now today it looks like this

bang guy

It's really really difficult to get a bleached Anemone back to good health. My first suggestion is to remove all of the remains of your dead Anemone from the tank.
Second, make sure you have an environment that is capable of sustaining an Anemone.
Third, start with a less demanding Anamone such as a propogated Rose Anemone or other Bubble-Tip. Start with a healthy animal, the odds are stacked against you enough without purchasing a mostly dead animal from the store like the Sebae in your first picture.
Lastly, I'll say that Anemone can be kept in nano tanks but it is not easy and I would not recommend it for anyone other than an experienced hobbiest.