24 Gallon Aquapod Metal Halide lighting


I just setup a 24 gallon aquapod and it's doing very well, but I want to get a clam later and the lfs said that I would need better lighting than the 64 watts I currently have. My question is what metal halide to get? The 70 watt or the 150watt, I'm assuming the 150watt but just figured I would ask. Thanks for any input you can give me.


Active Member
150watts....so u can put that clam anywhere u please high or low..u can even prolly do t5's might be cheaper..then the mh..


I just ordered a Sunpod 150, I think that is the way to go, that way I have somewhere around 6.5 watts per gallon, I should be able to put about anything in there now.


Originally Posted by jgbryan02
I just ordered a Sunpod 150, I think that is the way to go, that way I have somewhere around 6.5 watts per gallon, I should be able to put about anything in there now.
I had this light for about a month and love it!!


does it kinda of give off a bluish white color light. thats wut ive heard. im looking into the same one for my 20, but i dont want a light that is just plain white.


Active Member
yeah its blueish but not to much..cuz its a 14,000k bulb. plain white lights are like 10,000k and below..if u want it more blue u can add pc's with atinics for cheap.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jgbryan02
How do you add the pc's to the Sunp
od 20? Is there a kit of some type or do you just rig something up?
the sunpod is pretty narrow so u can scoot it toward the back a little and put a narrow pc fixture with atinics, but it prolly look a little homemade tho.. the 14,000k bulbs of the sunpod should be blue enough.IMO.


Well I tested out the sunpod light last night and thought it really over powered my tank, everything just looked washed out. I looked at it for awhile and then just put my original hood back on. I guess I'll just skip getting the clam as I like the way it looks better with just the pc's.
I'm going to see if my local lfs store will take the light in on trade, usually there pretty good about giving me alot of credit for an item like that.