24 gallon current usa aquapod


What kind of corals can you keep in here with the pc lights? It is 64 total watts with a 32w of 6700k and 32w of actinic bulb


Active Member
shrooms..zoas...softies..maybe lps high up in the tank...i kept all the above except lps in my old aquapod no problems...if u ever want to upgrade the light..they sell a fixture call the Sunpod hqi which is a direct factory fit for the aquapod...its a 150w MH with a 14k bulb..u can keep anything anywhere with that light upgrade..


The upgrade would be ideal but I'm on a college student budget. I may be able to get the pc aquapod with stand, lr, and ls for $110 and I'm having a hard time turning this one down. I think I'll be ok with shrooms zoas and softies. Eventually I will upgrade I'm sure
Any specific suggestions on which shrooms zoas and softies are good in that size tank?


Active Member
ANY zoos and shrooms or leathers will be fine.
If I was you Id save a little and upgrade to a sunpod and get another powerhead for the DT and you can keep alot more stuff :)
Heres my 24g AP with 150w sunpod. Im terrible at FTS but you get the idea..

(PS, the clam died a few days ago, so dont worry about it.. it was new this week and it didnt survive the stress of shipping)