24 gallon nano pics and problem with ------ trigger


Active Member
According to the book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" it says this about Triggers: "I would not be concerned with an individual whose fins are slightly torn or that appears thin. The family is hardy and readily repairs."
From personal experience, lfs don't tell the truth and many working their don't know themselves unless they have had that particular fish. The one post is right, most will just say how big a tank you need when you buy them, NOT when they reach full size. I purchased two clown loaches as the tag said need 10+ gallon tank. Mine was a 12 gallon, so I thought I was good. Well after seeing them get stressed and then doing my research these Clown Loaches would grow to 7" :scared: . I knew then my tank was way to small, but unfortunatley was unable to get them out in time and they died but not before bring "ich" to my tank. I now do probably more research than is needed, but I don't want to have that problem again. After doing my research I will never own a Trigger, as they are just not compatible with the fish I truely want in my saltwater tank.
Anyway, don't get to upset if people do exactly what you have asked them to do, give you advice as to why your trigger was looking the way he does. Your tank is simply to small, and I really believe that's why you are seeing the problems. True, he may have been ok in the past, but he's growing, so now the problem is here. The question is, are you going to listen to your fish. Forget about what we say, just look inside your tank, and the fish will give you the answer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by camillo
ive been keeping marine fish for over 3 years now, and ive never had an problems.
2inch puffer!!!!


wat happens when puffers inflate, i heard some can release a harmful poisen that can kill errything in the tank, is that true witht this kind


Originally Posted by camillo
can u please tell me where u got this information from as all my sources tell me that sixline wrasses grow to a maximum of 7.5 cm and need a minimum of 20g and this very sight tells me that the pufer grows to a maximum of 2inches, u guys are fanatics, i wonder what u would say if i told u that the person i got my triger from had two of these triggers, one much larger, and my puffer in a tank that was 120litres and paked of corals, he had em for 2 years and no problems. dont treat me like and idiot with all ur copyied and pasted rubbish from the net, ive been keeping marine fish for over 3 years now, and ive never had an problems. go chek my previous threads if u dont believe that i already new about the complications these fish could give me. but anyways do u really think the trigger could have hurt himself by swimming in a tank thats too small for him, i mean my coral beauty is a fair bit bigger than him and it has never been hurt from swimming in a tank this size
Ever hear of spellcheck. That thing does wonders

30-xtra high

Active Member
i'm surprised your entire tank isn't crashed by now... i couldn't even imangine you amonia levl... you can't have the trigger, it gets 20 inches, the coral beauty only gets 4 inches but needs a 55 due to its need for marine algae, the puffer technically is ok, in the book MARINE FISHES by scott micheals says it gets 4 ionches and needs 20gallons minimum wait i'll get back to this, the wrasse is fine, the clowns are fine, but that puffer is to much with the other fish in the tank, even with the 2 clowns and the wrtasse he's to much, your tanks gunna die, and i'd guess the coral beuaty did the damage.


as for everyone elses advice it is much appreciated, im currently looking for new homes for my trigger and puffer, however the tank has been like this for almost a year now and ammonia levels have always been fine, but again thaks for everyones advice


Originally Posted by camillo
as for everyone elses advice it is much appreciated, im currently looking for new homes for my trigger and puffer, however the tank has been like this for almost a year now and ammonia levels have always been fine, but again thaks for everyones advice
Thats due to your good maintenance of the tank.
Just a little crowded for them.

30-xtra high

Active Member
camillo... thats a load of bull, your trigger wouldn't be fine with the same exact fish for a year, then just start getting his fins and tail ripped off., and a year old niger is bigger than 5 inches... but whatever you have to tell yourself to get to sleep at night


not to butt in or anything....but you say you've been keepin marine fish for three years now, then you should know that a piece of a tail missing is not completely life threatening and will grow back in time. I've already had a cardinal that got his whole tail chewed off and with some time and a little Pimafix, it grew back and he was happy as ever. As for the scars, they most likely will never go away, maybe fade.