24 Hour Old Owner

je go

New Member
All my life (now in late 30s) I've wanted a fish tank. Finally I've been able to. A friend of mine is moving out of country and practically gave me his 20 gal tank. Freshwater all aparatus and fish and EVERYTHING for a mere 50$. There's 4 fish. Yellow Hawaiin Tang , traditional clown and I need to know the other 2 smaller ones.
How long are these fish suppose to last?? I wrote down step by step of how to clean the tank. I really wanted the 50 some gal but he said that being a novice I should start with the smaller one.
Does anyone want a 50 gal? We're in NE OHIO. It's salt water but he sold the fish back. I believe he has most of the stuff.


Hey, welcome to the board. There is a lot of really good information here on this forum and i would suggest doing a lot of reading so you can have the tank of your dreams (and not a total disaster). Also if you post pics of the other two fish we could help ID them. Again welcome :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish

je go

New Member
Ok so do you know how long the ones I mentioned are supposed to live? Thanks the encouragement!!


Active Member
Well I am pretty new to the hobby as well but if I read your post correctly you have a yellow tang in a 20 gal tank. So I do not think he will live for long since they grow rather big and like to swim, I would say the 50 gal tank would be better for a fish of that type. In my opinion the clown is an alright fish for a tank that size but with 3 other fish that tank may be too crowded. Also most people agree that a larger tank tends to be easier to maintain then a small tank since there is more room for error.
I also live in NE Ohio and I would love a 50 gal but unfortunately I have no more room.


i'm interested in a 50 gal tank, not for fish, but for my chinese water dragon (i already have a 55 gal saltwater). How much are you asking for it? i'm in mentor, oh (20 min east of cleveland).


je go said:
I really wanted the 50 some gal but he said that being a novice I should start with the smaller one. /QUOTE]
I am not sure who told you that..but bigger is always better. In reality 50 gallons here is not considered that big at all.
The smaller tanks require more maintenance and there is less room for error.
It is also recommended highly to do a quarantine tank before any fish go into the tank.
Take everything slow and make sure you read up here and in books to get great information on how to start. Patience is key with this hobby.
Good luck!


Active Member
You should take both tanks, use the big one for your main tank and the 20 gal for QT or refiguim, the tang is better suited for the 50 gal, it won't live long in the 20.

je go

New Member
Oh wow, really? I just called my friend, got his voice mail and explained it to him. When he gets back to me. I'll let you know. But I don't know if he still has the 50-gallon tank or not. I'll let you know either way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
You should take both tanks, use the big one for your main tank and the 20 gal for QT or refiguim, the tang is better suited for the 50 gal, it won't live long in the 20.

Good plan. 50 as display and 20 as a fuge or even sump for a skimmer. Yes, larger is better. It is easier to keep the water parameters stable. And I also agree the tang probably needs a new home in pretty short order.


Active Member
IMO even a 50g is too small for a yellow tang. Minimum of 75g. I believe YTs can live 50+ years and the clowns can live up to 20 years.
And I think just the opposite than what your friend told you about smaller vs. bigger tanks for novices. In a smaller tank the water params will fluctuate much more than in a bigger tank because of less water volume.


Active Member
Ya you could have that yellow tang the rest of your life if you keep your tank right...
Some Tangs live to 70yrs old...
A lot different that freshwater fish.


so we all that the ocean is a very stable environment with billions of gallons of water. So think about that 50 gallon as being that much closer to the ocean than the 20 is. Theoretically if you could get a tank that was big enough and had it stocked correctly you would never have to clean it, adjust the chemical levels or even feed the fish!

je go

New Member
Thanks everyone!!
I appreciate everyone's 2 cents; however, he already set it up like on Thurs evening. Personally, I'd prefer the 50, but its said and done. We'll have to keep this for awhile and hopes that we can keep things swimming well and then perhaps down the road trying something bigger.

je go

New Member
NOTE To Jdragunas, I contacted my friend and left him a voicemail............are you still interested? If so please let me know how to get a hold of you. I tried the email but that option wasn't available.


I would have to agree with the others, a small tank is much harder to keep up with! My 60 gal is perfect for my room allotment, But when my daughter moves out, her room is getting demolished, cutting a hole in the wall and mounting a 250 atleast! :hilarious


Originally Posted by je go
NOTE To Jdragunas, I contacted my friend and left him a voicemail............are you still interested? If so please let me know how to get a hold of you. I tried the email but that option wasn't available.
I'm very interested. You can email me at: jennldragunas@comcast.net. My chinese water dragon will be ecstatic if i can get that 50 gallon tank!

je go

New Member
Hello jdragunas
I sent you an email please email my friend as soon as you can b/c he needs to move out of his apartment soon. We're about 40 min south of you.
you can make all arrangements with him