24 Hr Cycle


I wonder what happened to that guy who was on here last week preaching about changing the way we all approach the hobby and doing something amazing. Something about a 24 hour cycle.

I'm curious as to how this is coming. I know he just set one up and "all of his levels were perfect" after a couple days. Wonder if they stayed perfect.

Sure lots of you know who I'm talking about. :notsure:


Active Member
Hahaha yeah i was wondering if he'd ever drop in again to tell us about "the magic tank"...haha curious...


anyone remember? i would really like to know if this worked because he could've changed the face of marine aquatics. i'd love to jump on that bandwagon...


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
I wonder what happened to that guy who was on here last week preaching about changing the way we all approach the hobby and doing something amazing. Something about a 24 hour cycle.

I'm curious as to how this is coming. I know he just set one up and "all of his levels were perfect" after a couple days. Wonder if they stayed perfect.

Sure lots of you know who I'm talking about. :notsure:
i know this might sound silly but i'm pretty sure a day light, actinic, and lunar lights constitute as a 24hr light cycle


yeah...well that is silly. What I was talking about is a guy that came on here a few weeks ago and started babbling about he could cycle a saltwater aquarium in less than 24 hours using some "magic" potion. He bashed everyone that told him he was wrong and insisted that he could set up a tank and add fish the next day. we all know this is absurd...
anyway, i was going to post the link for the thread on this post but i can't find it because, for some reason, searching in disabled right now. kinda weird.
as far as your 24 hr light cycle, seems like you got that one figured out :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by greenwolf52
yeah...well that is silly. What I was talking about is a guy that came on here a few weeks ago and started babbling about he could cycle a saltwater aquarium in less than 24 hours using some "magic" potion. He bashed everyone that told him he was wrong and insisted that he could set up a tank and add fish the next day. we all know this is absurd...
anyway, i was going to post the link for the thread on this post but i can't find it because, for some reason, searching in disabled right now. kinda weird.
as far as your 24 hr light cycle, seems like you got that one figured out :)
i completely agree w/ you on the "24hr cycle" i miss read the title and thought it said 24hr light cycle. my bad.


Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
i also would like to know about this 24hr cycle..

it's non-existent...if anyone tells you otherwise, they are either wrong, or are just trying to get your money.


Active Member
I believe the product he was talking about is called Bio Spira, it claims that you dose the newly set up tank, and add your fish the next day, and there will be no cycle.
Being the curious skeptic that I am I actually used this product when I set up my 46 bow front. I dosed the tank with a 55 gallon packet (nearly $30), then added four damsels the next day.
While this "magic potion" did prevent ammonia and nitrite from spiking very high, the tank went through the usual cycling process, only with the levels never reaching toxic levels. however the cycle still took 3 weeks.
After the 3 weeks I removed the damsels, and added my live rock. I did this out of curiosity, knowing in the back of mind it would not work as stated.
This myth is busted


Well actually....GARF sets theirs up and is placing corals and such in their tanks within 1-3 days. It's not really fair though...they have 30+ years of tanks, filters, live rock, etc to pull from. I don't think for the average person this is possible, even with BioSpira or other add ins.


Active Member
if you pull everything from existing tanks and set it up any extreme cycle will be negligable but there is still a period it takes for the newly set up system to balance itself. there is no instant cycle, just a way to reduce balance time. when you throw all the established things into a tank they still need to balance out how the system works and the load its capable of handleing, I agree you can set up a tank with all preestablished stuff and throw corals in it quickly. I have done it in under an hour and a half.
I sure as heck wouldnt throw a fish in it, because the system hasn't yet balanced itself to what species of bacteria and life is going to dominate in that environment yet.
there is no wonder potion in the world that will balance a tank in 24 hours. it takes the existing sytem time to align itself.


Active Member
The post was a kid right who crashed a tank and then set up another withing a week. If so, that was the day this forum took a turn for me. Sometimes it's hard to look past the typing in this hobby. It was very funny. There was so much sarcasm and ignorance on that thread. Wonder where he is?


...Why, exactly, was this topic brought up? While I think it's really cool to make fun of a novice's inexperience and naivete (<- sarcasm), this type of thread only propagates rude and otherwise unwanted behavior on SWF.
Please don't come back with, "Well, he came here for advice and didn't want to take it...blah blah blah," etc. -- that's not the point.
Moderators, will you please close this thread? It's simply mean-hearted to talk about another contributor to these boards like this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by katiev
...Why, exactly, was this topic brought up? While I think it's really cool to make fun of a novice's inexperience and naivete (<- sarcasm), this type of thread only propagates rude and otherwise unwanted behavior on SWF.
Please don't come back with, "Well, he came here for advice and didn't want to take it...blah blah blah," etc. -- that's not the point.
Moderators, will you please close this thread? It's simply mean-hearted to talk about another contributor to these boards like this.
I dont see any mean statement in what I said. I tried to be as constructive as possible, and make very real points.


My post wasn't directed at you, reefkprZ, but the entire thread overall. Your post contained very thoughtful information, actually. Talking about the idea of a 24 hour cycle (which is absurd) is just fine, but talking about another person specifically is plain mean.


Active Member
I believe katiev was refering to my post which in retrospect can be perceived as cruel since I found humor in the ignorance of the aforementioned thread. I'll delete my previous post.
Everyone stop being so sensitive. People learn by making mistakes, hopefully they aren't costly to your wallet or your tank.


Originally Posted by Myrtle Beach
Everyone stop being so sensitive. People learn by making mistakes, hopefully they aren't costly to your wallet or your tank.