240 and 75 gallon complete tank system for sale


Have 2 tanks, getting out of the hobby, just don't have the time for the little guys any more, the 75 gallon is a brand new tank that we moved all our stuff from a 55 into about 3 months ago, that 55 had been up for around 18 months or so, has 2 skimmers, 2 power compacts, a moonlight, couple power heads, submersable heater, around 200lbs of live rock, the tank itself, no stand sorry, has 5 or 6 corals, a dozen fish, snails, 1 huge green serpant, about the size of a frisbee, does have some green hair growing in it, but not overrun, have shrimp, crabs, HUGE FRICKING TURBO SNAILS(almost the size of a 1/2 dollar) and tons of other stuff, asking 1000$ for the whole set up, WILL NOT BREAK UP THE SET, sorry, don't ask. all or nothing, first come, first served unless special conditions arrise. The 240 is about a year old, has about 400 pounds of live rock, THE TANK ITSELF IS NOT FOR SALE, we're keeping that sorry, has 4 powerheads, 4 power compacts, 1 6' moonlight, couple dozen starfish, sandsifters, 1 or 2 rose anemone, about 50 mushrooms, elephant ears, finger corals, porites, puffer, yellow tang, clowns, royal gramma, leathers, all kinds of stuff, asking 1500$ for all the equipment and livestock and live rock, the live rock in both of these is fiji premium directly imported and been in our tanks for at least a year. 1 of the bulbs on 1 of the PC's on the 240 is blown out though. I have 1/2 dozen pictures of each tank on another site so if you want to see them and/or a better description of the livestock just holler and I'll send you the link. Location, we're in SW minnesota, about 2 hours SW of minneapolis st. paul, we're about 1 hour north of the iowa border and 1 hour east of the south dakota border, about 2 1/2 hours from the wisconsin border and rochester, if you go to mapquest our zipcode is 56283. We have about 10 styrofoam import boxes your welcome to and an oxygen tank for filling your bags, but you must bring your own bags, etc. oh live sand.....the 75 has about a 2" base, the 240 has about a 4" base, full of creatures, we have mandarins living in both tanks and both are happy little guys so assume theres a good pod population, any questions or if you want to see the pics feel free to email ord@mchsi.com thanks much.


I do have them up on there this week, these were our private tanks though, not part of the store, just don't have time anymorel


I'm located in Sioux City. Is this set up still available? 75 gallon complete. If so please send pictures.


the 240 is sold, the 75 is still up for sale. need your email address to email pics to you though, have added a few items from the 240. email me at ord@mchsi.com and we'll chat.