240 Gallon Filteration Questions?


I'm going to be drilling my tank tomorrow. What size bulkheads do I want to go with? What size Sump/refuge do I wanna go with? What size pumps?
I was thinking of getting 2 mag 12s. One for the refuge, one for a cloosed loop? Or can I use one Mag24 to do both?
Thanks for advice and opinions.

tony detroit

Active Member
I've used pvc glue on drinking fountains in plants before, no problem.........I use it on all my tanks, no problem too. On the mag12's, I run a mag24 on my 175bow and I think it is not enough pump. Run a pressure rated pump, mag's are basically large powerheads, they're not really pressure rated. By the time you put them through 3 unions, a bulkhead, a ball valve, a check valve, 6 90's, they're flowing 20percent of what they need to be. I have a blueline on my 300gal that will draw a vortex from the outlet nozzles from the water shooting out of them so fast, the cooling fan is a little noisy on the pump, but man that thing rocks, my water is crystal clear. Iwaki is prettu good pressure wise, and a little quiter than the blueline. Dolphins are good if you buy the right ones. Don't buy any old one's the old one's had seal problems, they have since corrected the problem from what I hear. Remember also if you are going to use a big pump, you need to feed it with a large bulkhead like a 1.5'' or 2'' so the pump does not cavitate.

tony detroit

Active Member
I just saw you want to run a fuge. You don't want a jet stream running through there, you might want to run that seperate off of a small powerhead from your sump or something so the plants and sand don't get blown all over.


What other type of fliteration could I do? I was thinking about doing a wet/dry/refuge all in a 70 gallon, and of coarse a skimmer? Is that the best fliteration? Should I just do a wetdry no refuge? It's going to be a FOWLR and what ever corals don't get eating or die wil still be in there but they're not my main concern. I'm doing a shallow sandbed(under 2") and my live rock is about 160lbs.
btw, I went to a few Harley Dealships yesterday.:joy:

tony detroit

Active Member
From all the reading I've been doing recently on several boards. You have the right idea with the shallow sand in the display. The idea of a properly functioning refugium is possible, but to do it correctly, to really do it right and have all the detrivore life, and microfauna life, is hard. It is much easier to run a wet dry, and do your water change religiously every 3 weeks or so, no pruning algae, and no worries about the system crashing. You also keep top notch water quality and don't have to dose trace elements. I had a fuge on my 180 before I got this 175bow and really, I don't think it did much, and was a pain in the... I've been doing a ton of reading, and really I don't think fuge's are worth the effort anymore. What kind of reef are you going to do, lps, sps, softies, combination? There are different tweaks to do to different types of reefs to make them more sucessful.


Active Member
How Big was the "fuge" on your 180...?
I'm thinking the 20-25% main tank vol minimum is Waaay too small
I've been having real good luck with 50 to 100% volume...( I have a 65 gal fuge on my 54 gal Reef)
Except that as I change out my 125 aggresive for a 210 it's looking like I'll need the 125 for the "fuge"...
I don't know..it's possiable in the basement, I'm just a little "leary" of the W/D though...


Your question about the P.V.C glue yes its toxic.But it won't hurt once it drys and you do it right.I do irrigation for a living so i should know what im talking about on that part. P.S. Don't sniff that stuff you will get one hell of a headache

tony detroit

Active Member

Originally posted by MrBubbles
Your question about the P.V.C glue yes its toxic.But it won't hurt once it drys and you do it right.I do irrigation for a living so i should know what im talking about on that part. P.S. Don't sniff that stuff you will get one hell of a headache

Methyl Ethyl Ketone can cause lung injury, use a well ventilated room when doing your priming/gluing.

tony detroit

Active Member
Squidd- Mine was a 40long tank I put baffles in. It worked OK, but it didn't do anything a maintenance schedule wouldn't take care of.
To properly do a refugium, not just a plant growth chamber takes a lot of effort, and a lot of different life that you need to buy, and when it dies, you need to buy more. You also take the risk of the dsb crashing which is just one more thing to worry about. And if you want to keep everything inside your cabinet and not drill holes through your second floor, then you only have room for a 20-40gal fuge. Plus you need a monster pump to run a second floor tank with a basement fuge. This is not practical for most people. I'm not dissing fuge's, hey if it works for you, that 's great. I'm just saying they're way overrated in most cases. I think the time and effort would be better spent on a RO/DI water mixing tub, that changes your water every weekend at 10% or so. If you do that, except in cases of extreeme overfeeding or overstocking, you will most likely never need to worry about nutrient buildup.