240g equipment


Ok, now I am beginning to make my list. I know I need a pump, and skimmer. But do I need a filter? How much LR will I need to not have a filter? if I made a refugium, how many gallons would it have to be? It would make things so much easier if I just had a skimmer. What is I used bio-balls? Maybe I could make a 10g into a bio-ball chamber? I just think that I am makiing this more complicated than it has to be. And I dont want to spend too much either. Thanks!


Active Member
if you wanna do it right on a 240 your guna need a good amount of money for filtraton,, also what is it going to be? FOWLR? Reef? etc.?


FOWLR. I am thinking of just have 200lbs.+ of live sand, and 40lbs. of LR with a whole lot of base rock, to fill in the space. Then, maybe this summer, I will buy a Lifeguard filter with UV (the inline ones, with UV also).


Active Member
well for comparison on my 300 i have 350 pounds of live sand(adding another 100 wed.) 150 pounds live rock, 100 pounds base rock, a 45 gallon sump and a 55 gallon refugium with a skimmer rated for 520 gallon tanks


New Member
you are going to have to have like 500 pounds of lr in order not to have a filter hooked up and like 3oo pounds of live sand. have a big tanke get pricey. and if you dont want t filter hook up you are going to need a lot of water flow power heads and pumps to move the water around the lr. get a relly good skimmer one rated like at 500 gallon or a smaller skimmer and then get a refugium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by I<3Fish
FOWLR. I am thinking of just have 200lbs.+ of live sand, and 40lbs. of LR with a whole lot of base rock, to fill in the space. Then, maybe this summer, I will buy a Lifeguard filter with UV (the inline ones, with UV also).
If your only planning on 40lbs of LR, how much Base Rock are you planning on putting in there? This will determine how much filtration your going to need...... No need for a filter if you put in 250lbs of LR and utilize a sump, if fish only, then Id use bio material. On a 240g, I'd get around a 3000gph return pump, and a bunch of power heads for the tank. And get the best skimmer you can get your hands on, that is the primary big boy your going to rely on.


Active Member
Just to give you an idea. I have a 215:
I run an Aqua C ev240 which is rated for 80-360 gal tanks $550
Main pump: Sequence dart pump $200
35 gal sump No bio balls 0
280lbs LR $1000
200lbs LS. $100
If you are not wanting to spend much, better think twice with this size tank. Not to burst your bubble, but it will get pretty pricey.



Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Just to give you an idea. I have a 215:
I run an Aqua C ev240 which is rated for 80-360 gal tanks $550
Main pump: Sequence dart pump $200
35 gal sump No bio balls 0
280lbs LR $1000
200lbs LS. $100
If you are not wanting to spend much, better think twice with this size tank. Not to burst your bubble, but it will get pretty pricey.


100lbs of LR and 180 lbs of Lace Rock. Fixed...


where do you get lace rock and do you need to cure it.


Ok, well I decided I am going with the sqequence Dart pump (3600gph). But I cant decide on the skimmer. I was looking at the Berlin Xl, but havent heard good about them. What about the ASM G4 (maybe G4x)? I am thinking of around 120lbs of baserock with 40lbs of LR to seed it. Then add more baserock, after I get my tank running and good. What if I just got the Lifeguard filter with a 40watt UV attached? I heard that those are good. But I dont really want to do a reufgium, because I dont want to have a 55g refugium. I think a filter would be sufficent if at all needed. This is not going to be heavily stocked at all. Maybe a few big fish, and some medium fish and some small. Like 8 or so fish. So I dont need a megafilter to keep it all healthy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moatdaddy
where do you get lace rock and do you need to cure it.
I get the Lace Rock at LFS and for only $1.49 a lb. Its black but looks just like LR in form. And no you don't have to cure it.


Well, change of plans. Looks like I am getting a 180 now. I am looking at the ASM G4 (x maybe), the AquaC, and the Kent Marine EX (or the one with the square bottom). I cant decide which one. Also, how come some skimmers have square bottoms, and others are circular all the way to the top?


Active Member
well i have an 180
lee mar flat polished with center trapazoid overflow and a 36" sump
i run the ASM G-4 skimmer u will be fine with that in a FOWLR or even the G-3.... i have the G-4 cuz im doing sps
as far as a return pump the dart is too much for your overflow box to handle unless u modify it to allow more flow.... i run a 1200gph pump for the sump return pump and even that is too much.... ur standard overflow box on a tank that size will only do 900gph max
so i wouldnt get a pump more than 1000-1200gph max then u could T it off to feed ur UV unit or another piece of equipment like a chiller or something
i do run a Sequence Dart on my Closed Loop system which works great they are meant for flow not for pressure so only use a dart for a closed loop or ur wasting the money cuz it loses pressure fast it is a great pump though super quite
as far as LR goes id shoot for something around 150lbs in a 180 if u could do a lil more great but 150 should be fine thats what i have in my tank and all my water readings are right on
just different designs on the skimmers thats all if some are square or round
if u have a good skimmer and enought LR u dont need a filter unless u wanna run some carbon to polish the water up but i wouldnt run any bio-balls or anything u can always add a lil more LR rubble in your sump
also in my 180 i have 120lbs LS if that helps
heres some pics



I am going to get the ASM G3 then. But where is a good website to buy an overflow box that isnt CPR? Thanks for that post. it helped alot!