24g aquapod help please



So i got a used aquapod today , it came with no light so i would like to find a light around $50-$80's and i need some advice, this is my 1st shot at saltwater so go easy. Also its totally normal for the water to be REALLY cloudy after i just put it in. I am 2 or 3 hours into it and i cannot see 3 inches in. I washed the sand for what seemed like forever.
thanks in advance.


Active Member
yes it is normal for your water to be cloudy..as far as lighting goes, it depends on what you want to do with your tank..corals? if so, what kind?


definitely want to do coral i havent given it much though as to what kind.. something moderately easy to care for. something i can support with a well priced light. I know you get what you pay for but i would love to do this somewhat cheap. as in .. i cannot rush out and buy a 250$ sunpod atm lol


Active Member
buy a used light from someone locally/other forums, etc..you should def invest in MH, bc you will eventually regret it..


well i found a
Current USA Nova Extreme 18" 2x20W T-5 10,000K - Saltwater
for 60$ is that not a good choice ?
also im not even sure how to calculate if that light with those brackets will fit my tank.


Active Member
40 watts for 24 gallons..its not going to house any corals except mushrooms..idk if thats what you want? 3-6 watts per gallon i think..but i run 150 watts on my 28..if you get a 150 watt light fixture you wont be limited on coral..