24g JBJ filtration help.


Hello, guys. I seem to not be hitting the marks I need with filtration. I do bi-weekly water changes of about 3gallons or so of my tank. The tank has about 20lbs of rubble rock on the bottem of tank and about 25-35lbs of LR. I have the 150hqi hood on it and only have two clowns in the tank. The cyna and algea is crazy. Im scrappy the glass everyday and then the back walls as you can see in picks builds up. I usually clean that off once or twice a week as well. I am using what the tank came with when bought new. I have the two black filter sponge things in first chamber. Then the bioballs, the white sphere things, and I believe carbon in the 2nd chamber. Then just the return pump in the 3rd section. I have the Oceanic Protein skimmer for biocubes but I dont know how to get it working correctly. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks



Active Member
for filtration in the back i took all sponges out, and the bio balls, carbon and caramic rings.. Alot of other with nano did the same thing..
For filtration i have now is JUST a bag of chemi pure elite and a Cup with LR rubble and a bag of Cheato.

So far no problems.
I would also do weekly water changes
Im sure nissian will chime in with his opinions soon.
Could we also get a front tank shot.. Wanna see it


I actually just dug into the bugger. Cleaned back wall, cleand the sponges out. I put them back in but left the o rings and the other black things out. I will remove the bio balls. Then do the refugium idea this coming week. Does anyone know how to set the biocube skimmers up?
Here you go anyways nano lol Ill get a better one once it settles now.

Shot with FE230/X790 at 2008-10-20


Active Member
well first of all you really dont need a biocube skimmer. it really doesnt help. as long as you do proper water changes you are good. also as NaNo-NeWb1983 said above me doing a refugium is the best way to go. remove everything you got in the back and place a cup with mud or sand in it. put lr rubble in the cup. and place the chaeto on top of it. make sure to have holes or cut a piece of the cup so the water can flow through. also place a bag of chemipure elite. and if you can a bag of purigen but its not necessary. i got mangrove in mine and its the best. its gotten way bigger than before. i will post a pic of my refugium and my FTS to show you how my tank is doing. with the refugium
thanks NaNo-NeWb1983


FTS (it has change a lot this is from last month)

this is a last week one change more as well (sorry to the blurry)