24g Nano cube


Ok, thanks for all of your opinions
. So now I have alot of thinking to do because my 9 yr old son is going to be helping me with this so a "Lion" is out of the question. I guess we will be doing a normal happy tank that he will enjoy. Anything but damsels


Active Member
Rather than make a new thread, I think it would be better to continue this one. For the most part, Im in the same type of situation. Ive got an Aquapod 24 gallon tank, thats all selfcontained. Heres a link to the tank, Im new to setting up aquariums, but I have a few friends locally who know what theyre doing and can get fish wholesale locally, so I decided to stop envying their tanks and try it for myself.
Aquapod 24gal Nano Tank I think its the same tank as the thread starter, but anyways...
I wanted to make it an aggressive predator tank as well, and am not sure which fish to get. I thought maybe of getting a Coney Grouper or Lionfish to start. A friend has a coney and they seem very easy fish, as far as maintaining them and their hardiness. My father had a lionfish at one point in his 55gallon tank a while back and they seem like the coolest things ever. Yes? No? Maybe? Any suggestions?