24G Nano-Few Days Old


New Member
Just bought a 24g nano on saturday, got LS and 18 lbs of LR. I just added some kind of bacteria to help cycle the tank. How long does it take for a tank to cycle? I also have three fish in there, a percula, jawfish and a yellow tail damsel. Also, I am going out of town for a week and need to know what kind of automatic fish feeder to get. I was looking at the Aqua Chef Automatic Aquarium Fish Feeder, does any one know anything about it? If you have any tips for a noob for maintaning my aquarium, i appreciate it too. Thanks


New Member
im pretty new to the whole SWA stuff, but im pretty sure that you should never put fish in a tank until it has cycled.


Well putting not 1, but three fish in at a time in a new tank could hurt you. I knwo you probally don't want to hear this, but it is the truth. If you got LS & LR that is great as pretty much youv'e already got a ton of biological bacteria. Some things that are added to help cycle tanks are ok, like Bio-Spira can perform miracles from what I hear. Others like Cycle are ok, but don't work great. Most people will disagree with cycling with fish, but some still do it. Though since you have LS & LR it shouldn't go through a huge cycle. However since you added three fish it could be harsh on a new system. I would get a test kit & stay on top of your ammonia, nitrIte, & nitrAte. Make sure they stay low & do water changes when they get high.


Active Member
Get the fish out and back to the store! Let your tank cycle....use testing kits for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates....You'll need to do water changes and have PATIENCE!!!!


Active Member
Alot going on here. I'm still an newbie and i've defiantly learned the hardway. PATIENCE is key. And I read the archives & faq's forums here.
A good start with LR and LS. Buying fish before cycle is over, not so good. I don't know how good are bad the bacteria is to help the cycle along. A cycle could take weeks or longer. I don't think your fish will make it without frequent water changes.


New Member
So do fish stores do returns on fish? Also, i added Bio-Spira today to the tank in order to help it cycle faster. Again theres 18 lbs of live rock in a 24 gallon tank and like 15 lbs of live sand. Also, does anyone have any information on the Aqua Chef Fish Feeder?


I have no idea on auto fish feeders. Most stores probally wouldn't take them back. Here is the deal IMO, if you add LS & LR then you can add a fish or two like clownfish or something small with a small bio-load immediately. Your tank won't be very strong just keep an eye out on your levels & everything should be cool. Esepecially if you have a skimmer. So I think if you had one fish you would be fine. However just keep an eye on the levels & do a water change if you see the ammonia rising high. The Bio-Spira is great from what I've been told by lots of people. There is a thread on Reef Central about this, but if I post the link it will get deleted just search their forum for questions on cycling & you should find it.


With you going out of town for a week right after setting up the tank I think I would at least ask the fish store where you got the fish if they will "hold" your fish in one of their quarantine tanks until you get back. I know it sounds like overkill but there is a lot that can happen in a new tank in just a few days.


***) i dont compleatly agree with setting up a tank and putting three fish in...cycle with crabs or shremp. but i hope everything works out. bummer that you have to go away. you wont be able to do water changes or anything....is there someone you trust. i do house sitting for my town. ....but make sure they know about fish.and again lol good luck