24g NANO,New 2 Live Rock, NOT for me?! Help



Hi There,
I've been a hobbyist of aquariums for many years but took them down & stopped for about 3 years! In the past I've had 55g Fresh Cichllid tank, a 20H seahorse tank, and a 40 (?) Bow front salt tank with various fish. Well, my boyfriend bought me a 24g Nano Cube for Christmas and coincidentally my sisters Salt Tank Seal broke a week before Christmas - therefore I wound up taking her live rock but DON'T think I'm a Live rock enthusiaist! Now I have my tank set up for just over a week, it has her live rock in it, and I put 2 damsels in it (to help cycle) and it appears all is going well EXCEPT #1, Brown Algea (ammonia is "safe", no nitrates or trites?) #2, I do not seem to like all the "things" I see sprouting out from this live rock or living in it??!! Today I added a small starter clean up crew to hopefully assist in these things? I have 5 blue legged hermits (very very small), a couple turbo snails, 3 very small "other snails" (can't remember the name but was told the best even though small) and also one emerald crab.
I saw a white "wormy" looking thing come out of a hole in the rock and it looked like it was "blowing bubbles" but apparently spit out a few white dots??
Also noted a "bug like" thing scurry from one hole to another - it was the same thing I saw last night that seemed to peer out and grab a frozen little mysis shrinp that fell near it.
I dunno....I just almost wish I didn't have "critters" that I don't know are good or bad in these rocks? Also some featherduster type things are growing...small now (could that be that bad aispastia stuff)
In back of the rocks, I can see a white flat looking disk thing?? That grew onto the rock in 1 week? This just doesn't seem right?
ANy help or suggestions...I've just never done the live rock/coral thing and now don't seem to like it as I should?????
Thanks, Sweet


Active Member
I guess I can't help you because I delighted with all the creepy-crawly things I would find in my live rock. It kept me amused and entertained during that 4-6 week cycling period that is so long and boring. I would sit at night with a magnifying glass and flashlight checking out all the new critters I could spot.
If it makes you feel any better, most of the critters you're seeing sound like the beneficial type, but if you want to have them identified get a photo and post them in the hitchhiker section where people can tell you what they are.
Good luck with the new tank - I think you're going to love the benefits of live rock once you get over the "creepy" part of it. There's more good than bad in there.


welcome to the forums
if you really dont like the rock i can take it off your hands,i really need some for my new tank


As Sue said they all seem to be the good creepy crawlies the way that you aredescribing them. Your clean uo crew should help woth some but it is after all a small clean up crew. The brown algae was probably a result of an ammonia spike or the water going crazy with the new addition of live rock. I would just monitor the levels for a few days and the diatoms should go away.