24g Nano Stock List



I am interested in getting the 24g Nanocube. I want to stock the following:
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 Dwarf Lion
1 Snowflake Eel.
My question is that I have been doing research and believe that setup is too small for a trigger. If thats the answer, how long can it be in that tank? It just gives me a reason to upgrade and sell that story to the wife, rather than getting a 100 gallon right now, but I just need to be prepared. I have a 80g reef tank and want to get a few fish that are not reef safe for this nano setup. I am looking to get all these fish as small as possible. Also if the humu humu is not appropriate for a nano cube, then what trigger is?
Also I am not partial to the Nano cube, but I want one of the "Cube" setup's.


Sorry, but all these fish need a larger tank, and I think they grow pretty fast too. I am not an expert here, but if lion, or trigger is territorial, then War World 3 will happen in your tank this small. I would say if you have to do it then get a Dwarf Lion in there and nothing else.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by bywalker
I am interested in getting the 24g Nanocube. I want to stock the following:
1 Humu Humu Trigger
1 Dwarf Lion
1 Snowflake Eel.
My question is that I have been doing research and believe that setup is too small for a trigger. If thats the answer, how long can it be in that tank? It just gives me a reason to upgrade and sell that story to the wife, rather than getting a 100 gallon right now, but I just need to be prepared. I have a 80g reef tank and want to get a few fish that are not reef safe for this nano setup. I am looking to get all these fish as small as possible. Also if the humu humu is not appropriate for a nano cube, then what trigger is?
Also I am not partial to the Nano cube, but I want one of the "Cube" setup's.
nooooo no and NO!!!! trigger and lion will DEF fight in that small of a tank and a eel is WAY to big so that list will NOT work even a 100 is kinda small for that setup


Originally Posted by MaTT B
nooooo no and NO!!!! trigger and lion will DEF fight in that small of a tank and a eel is WAY to big so that list will NOT work even a 100 is kinda small for that setup
triggers and lions together are generally not advised... though i had a niger with a volitan and they were perfectly fine.... the lion will need to be a dwarf in that size tank to make everyone on this board happy...
as for the trigger, if you get a huma huma you should accept that it will not be a very peaceful reef fish (the lions are typically very good reef fish no matter what anyone says)


it wouldnt work because triggers swim like crazy, almost like a tang but faster...
triggers are dirty. they eat and are not neat about what goes down and what gets torn up.
so yes, it's not wise to do...


Thanks for the advice.
I want to set up this 24g nano cube with fish that are not reef safe. I already have a 80g reef tank with a bunch of fish and coral. This new setup is to satisfy me to get the fish i cannot add to my 80. Any other suggestions for a stock list on the 24g FOWLR setup? And not clowns.
I got the 24g nano cube with 25lbs of live sand, and 25 lbs of cured purple live rock. It will be set up on Sunday and I will run it for a couple weeks, and do a water change after the spike. So I will be adding some fish in like 2 weeks.