24gal Nano Reef Algae problem


lisa natalie

Hi there... This is my first post, so please be gentle with me!
I have a 24 gal Nano reef, which I just cycled over a few days with new water and live sand. I did this because my algae problem was completely out of control. I had 2 LFS near me, both of which closed within a month of each other, and I basically gave up.
I now have renewed vigor for my tank, and I don't want to let it get out of control again. I still have much algae and what I think is detrius all over my live rock (about 10 lbs). I just inserted a packet of Algone, and I will replace weekly until I get a proper cleanup crew. I suspect that my existing cleanup crew wasn't nearly enough, and I am in process of populaing my tank with workers. I am just a little apprehensive about quanties. Please advise:
Have had for months:
1 diamond goby
1 abalone (didn't buy, hitchhiker on rock)
2 turbo snails
2 other small sandsifting snails that stay buried 99% of the time... not nassarius, the shell looks brown striped and they're about 1/2 inch. Can't find their ID online.
Just bought yesterday (to add to the above crew)
6 scarlet hermit crabs
2 peppermint shrimp (neither of which I can find now... I hope they're alive!)
I think I need to buy:
queen conch (1?)
emerald crabs (3?)
red bali starfish (1?)
I don't want to overpopulate my tank with things I don't need, but at the same time, I want an attractive tank.
Sorry for the ramble, any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Tell us how you have the tank set up. Live rock, sand, filters, powerheads. Water source, etc.
I'm going to move your topic over to our nano forum.
Glad to see you at Saltwaterfish.com! Welcome!


i have a zero impact nano reef (12 gal). and only have tank raised fish and corals. due to the problem of finding tank raised inverts, i have no clean up crew what so ever, and consequently i spent a great deal of time fighting algae. luckily about 3 weeks ago all of my algae disappeared and non has come back. the tank has been established since march.
12 gal nano cube
2 false perc.
assorted soft corals


nothing comes from the reef. all tank raised so we don't harm the environment. i even used old rocks and stuff

lisa natalie

I have about 10 lbs of live rock and 5 lbs of live sand (it was one bag... I think that's 5 lbs). I purchase saltwater from a LFS. As for the mechanics of the tank, it has (2) 60 x 60 mm cooling fans, (2) 36 watt combo bulbs and remote ballast, and a 290 GPH submersible pump (the standard setup for a 24 gallon Nano Cube).
I hope this helps...


Active Member
I wouldn't add any livestock untill all the algae is either gone or almost at least. If you don't have any livestock in there then recycle it like it is a new set-up. Keep the lights out for at least 4 weeks then turn them on a few hours a day and slowely increase while adding a couple of clean-up inverts. Don't do any water changes during this time and once the tank looks like it is balanced out with little or no undesirable algae growth do a 20% water change, bring the lights up to full cycle and begin to add your desired livestock list, slowly. Just the way I would do it.

lisa natalie

I do have livestock, though. In addition to the cleanup crew I currently have (see original post), I have a clownfish and a damsel. Will they be okay with the lights off for that long?
And my house is pretty bright... if you still think that's the way to go, should I cover the exposed sides of the tank to help block out any light?
Thanks for your time...