250 watt PFO Ballast in Pa. for SALE


Can you meet me at the Mall in scranton this saturday and will you take $100 for the single setup. Does the single include a socket reflector and bulb? Can you show a pic of it lit up?

yello tang

Originally Posted by mumbulog
Can you meet me at the Mall in scranton this saturday and will you take $100 for the single setup. Does the single include a socket reflector and bulb? Can you show a pic of it lit up?
yeah i could probably do that. What time you thinking? I will be available in the afternoon if that is ok?
I will try to get pics of it lit today sometime.
Thanks Joe

yello tang

I have a prior commitment in the morning. Sorry wont be able to do that time. Maybe on your way back? O r another day.


can we meet on my way home tomorrow night between 7p-9p. If you give me or pm me your number I can call you when I hit the road.
Did you have a pic with the light on?