250's or 175's halide for 55 gallon?



175's are PLEANTY of light for a 55. I have a 60 tall and "had" 250's on my tank. I switched them out for the 175's to minimize temperature rise in the tank. Having 250's on the tank was like having a aquarium a half mile away from the sun. Our LPS's and softies love the 175's so much better. We supplement with actinic pc's....


Active Member
for a 55 gal get the 150 Hm
I think even the 175 maybe to much. your tank is only about 18 inch from water surface to bottom surface and my 150 watt x2 Hh penetrate all the way down and get my water up to about 80-81 until I installed a fan to cool it back down to 76. So IMO 150 would be fine and more then enough. Unless its just one Mh then yeah go with more I’m totaling 300 watts Mh on my 55 gal.



just my two cents, I have a 55 gallon with 2-250 14k metal halide, and 4-110 VHO's. I am totaling 940 watts. Some might say that's overkill, but I have been doing this for a long time, and my tank has never been so good. I also have a 25 gallon fuge on this system and all is fine, I have not lost anything in two years and everything grows amazingly. The lights are obviously on timers with the VHO's coming on at 8:30 am, then the halides on at 11:30 am, then the halides off at 5:30 pm, and VHO's off at 8:30 pm. My temperature is at 78 and when the lights are full on rises to 81, I have two computer fans rigged up for cooling. All is good, so far.


Yes, using XM 10k's. Been there done that with the 250's. Will never go back unlesss you want a SPS dominate tank with no softies and LPS's. My tank never rises above 79 degrees......1 degree rise/fall with the 175's
If you want to put the 250's on there, might as well go ahead and throw (2) 400's and be done with it.......