250w HQI on 20 gallon tank too much?


Would this be too much light. I am setting up a 20 long SPS tank with a 20 long as a sump. Would the Reefstar HQI 250 Watt System be too much for even Acros. and Montis.? Temp Will not be a problem as i am making a tall Canopy with an open back and a clip on fan. Just asking for your opinions


I've got a 250 on my 29 and all my corals love it. Granted, the 20L is a bit shallower than my 29, but as long as you place it at a reasonable distance I would assume the corals would be fine. Besides, the sps like light :p
Just acclimate them to it slowly over a week or so if they are coming from less lighting. (I'm definitely no expert though...)


yeah i thought it would be ok. i dont have any corals to acclimate now and the frags that i do get. will be from MH tanks so no worries, i will still start them off close to the bottom and move them up after a week or so.
What bulb do you have adn do you run actinics. I was thinking about bgetting the 14000K blue spectrum bulb becase of the look. but i was also thinking about getting some actinics and mounting them in the hood.


there is some extra light, you could even get by with a 200 or 175, just keep the halide away from the water cause it will heat up a 20 gallon tank really fast


how many inches would you reccomend? i am going to have multiple fans to cool this monster, but still wondering about height and the best spread. Also would a 14K bulb blue spectrum still help SPS grow?


I asked about differences in kelvin the other day and apparently 10-14k provides the best growth. I have a 20k on mine (as well as antics). I plan on replacing it with a 14k after its used up.
Mines about 7 inches above the water surface right now, and I have no heat issues. My tank runs between 80 and 82 (some might say thats too hot, but actual ocean temperatures are around that range and everything is absolutely thriving), which is the same temperature it ran at before I added the halide. If you have the tall canopy and a bunch of fans, you should be ok.
Another alternative if you are still having heat issues is to put some cooling fans over the sump. You'll get more air exposure down there, and if you have sufficient flow, all the hot water will flow through and cool down before heading back into the dt.


Yeah i was plannig on having fans in the sump as well as a clip on fan in the canopy. thi tank is still in the construction phase so i am just inquiring before i set it up. I think i will have the halides about 11-13 inches away from the suface of the water. do you think that this would be too high?
Sorry for all the questions but i wanna get it right in my mind beore i buy ll the equip for the tank.