250w mh's or 400w mh's for my 180 gallon?


I am getting my 180 gallon going and need lights for it. The dimensions of my tank are 26" tall x 67" long x 24" deep. I am pretty much sure that I want to go with 3 mh's, but not sure if I should go with 3 250w mh's or 3 400w mh's. This will be my first reef tank so I cant really tell you what I am going to keep in there because I dont know much about reefs yet.


hmmm....I would say the 400w. It really depends on what you want to keep in it. But I am no expert by any means so do not take my advice, it's just a suggestion. Do some more research, or buy a reef book it will really help you understand reef systems and it'll definatly help you out in the long run. One I would recommend to you is "Natural Reef Aquariums" by John H. Tullock. Ihave it. It's packed full of pictures and its really up to date. You should also read everything in this message board. It'll prepare you for any problems you might have down the line. And again, do not take my advice I am not experienced enough to help you with you lighting, let alone my own. So consider this a bump until someone more knowledgable can help you. Good Luck

mr hanky

you shouldnt need a chiller thats what i have and i dont need one.

mr hanky

though if you have them in an enclosed hood you might. mine is hanging above with 2 fans.