265 gallon and 14 gallon reef tanks


Active Member
i ran copper in my 250 maybe 18 months ago when it was a fowlr tank.it is now a reef and there are no problems.i ran a pad for a month to remove the copper and that was it.i was wondering .the return heads you have 1/3 down the tank.what keeps the sump from overflowing when the power to the pump is off?


Active Member
also i think you need more powerheads maybe two more #4's .thats a long tank i have 6 korilias and the return pump in my 250 and it looks like its about right.you have some nice light but it should really have a bulb every 2 feet of tank.where did you find a 7 foot tank?i have never seen one.
in the second picture above the hippo tang and clown fish their is this little yellow thing that is a small tube it is made to kill the sophon (spelling) but it doesnt work all the time we run the sump pretty low so it can hold all the water until those things (lockline return) are exposed but usually when the power goes out we just run to the tank and pull them out and unplug the pump so if it would come back on it wont spray all over. YOUR RESPONSE WAS SOOOO ENCOURAGING THANKS SO MUCH!