265 Gallon Fish Only!

Hello everyone, i haven't posted on here in a long time... i used to have the 265 gallon reef tank but then copper got the best of that and i had to start all over. So for fear of copper being in the acrylic my twin brother and i decided to go with a fish only, then because we loved having a reef we decided to go with coral insert over LR. pictures will be up soon but our current stock list is:
-Sailfin tang x1
-Blue Hippo Tang x1
Yellow Tang x2
Single Saddle Butterfly x1
Striped Sweetlips x1
Coral Beauty Angel x1
Clown fish pair
Six Line Wrasse x1
Striped Squirrel fish x1
Blue Green Chromis x3
Turbo Snails x4
100 Nas. Snails (on the way)
PLZ Comment!!

mr. limpid

Active Member
You asked, so here goes. First I love tangs, I hope your (2) yellows get along with the sailfin. The sweetlips will grow very large prob about 16" or so, and will eat the smaller fish. That's a lot of Nass. snails. Other wise sounds like very beautiful tank.

eric b 125

If enough copper got absorbed by the acrylic, then snails might not survive. I suggest filling it with fresh water for a few days and testing for copper to see what leaches out.
thanks Mr. Limpid, the tangs all get along great, the sailfin tang fully spread out is about 8 inches from his dorsal fin to his anal fin. he's huge and the yellow tangs are both smaller than him without even extending his fins. Oh I forgot to mention not all 100 are going in the 265, i have a small reef tank as well, but i ordered 100 expecting a few to die off due to shipping. just trying to be ahead of the game lol .... but in this hobby that might just be impossible.

Eric B 125 i used several copper removal products on the tank when it had water in it and when it was empty and to top it all off it was washed with a vinegar solution. I was concerned about the snails at first but I have had the turbo snails for several weeks now and they seem to be doing ok. but then again i guess I only have four so who knows maybe I got some tough ones.

Keep the comments coming!!