265GL glass w/ 135 gal refuge in CT


I am selling my complete system.
265 GL glass tank 4x 1.5" overflow's drilled at ends plus stand
135 GL glass refuge not drilled
3x 400Watt MH ballasts, wiring and receptacles (2x PFO, 1x Blue Line)
1x Icecap 440 Ballast with 3pair of VHO receptacles (2 years old)
Burmuda skimmer (1 year old) 375 gal capacity with pump
Aqua controller JR with Temp/ PH probe (1 year old)
2x DC8's (1 year old)
1000 watt titanium heater
2x Sea Swirl wave makers
Iwasaki MD55RLT pump rated at 1600 gph.
~150+ lbs of live rock and coral skeletons
~150+ lbs of live sand, substrate.
Live Stock
Naso Tang
Purple Tang
Blue Throat Trigger (male)
Princess Parrot Fish (male)
Lyretail Anthias (male)
2x True Percs (Male, Female)
Copperband Butterfly
Iblie Angel
Green Chromis
'Scooter Blenny' - really is a dragonette not a blenny
Neon Goby
14" Zebra Moray Eel - very passive and ok for reef with no lobsters, crabs or shrimp.
Hermi's and Snails (qty unknown)
2x Sand Sifting Star Fish's (I still see them once a week or so).
The refuge has half of the tank growing Mexican Calerpa macro algae and is home to hundreds of copods and amphipods.
There are also a few coral species, nothing spectacular.
There is over $5,000 worth of equipment here some new some not but all working great. I am would like to sell this by the end of the week. Email me at rsec@msn.com if you are in the area and can pick it up this week. I have the same info at my local FS and they are looking for someone as well so dont wait. I will check my email in the late afternoon and early morning for any requests. I am asking $2500 for every thing here. (neg. if timing is right, meaning the sooner the better)


will you part any of it out?. i would be interested in a 400 watt mh ballast and mabey the aqua controller.


I live just west of Hartford. I will email you pictures, just send an email to the one listed above.
Also the sm male blue throat trigger was found this morning on my floor, dead. He must have jumped out last night.
No I do not have a cover for the tank. I know shame on me.


New Member
i dont live all the far from u just a tad east of you in the enfield ct area... u dont have any pics of the fish or tank?