265watt for 55????


What kind of coral would i be able to place in my tank with 265watt's, i have a 55 gal and looking at getting a light. I know i can have zoo's and soft coral, but is it possible for hard coral, possible an anemane??


Active Member
LPS would maybe be ok. Like frogspawn, hammer, bubble, brain. But stuff like acro would be out of the question. I'd add more light.


what type of lighting do you have? I just bought a 55 gallon tank off ---- with no lighting. i have a 29gallon with 2-65 watt 50/50 pc's. what light should i get for the new tank. i can't decide which kind of lighting i should go for.


speaking of lighting, I have seen on this website the requirements for certain corals are medium to strong lighting. What exactly does that mean? How much? for instance i have a 46G tank and I have 2 97W PC light. Is this considered small? Sorry for sideswaping the tread.


Right now i have 2 15watt lights that came with the tank, sister got it from wallyworld for me for xmas. But im looking at getting a coralife lunar model, its expensive, i also heard of a few people on the site running a Jebo Oddysea light, its cheap but it seems to work out for them and no complaints. Im probably going to go with the Jebo for now, and once i get the Sup postion at my job then i will get some MH for it.


all soft corals can be kept under that light. Toadstool, hammer, bubbles, brains, foxtail, candycane and trumpets too.
Good water quality first and foremost.


its a 55, not to sure of the dem of it, its one that you by at wallyworld. I'm still debating on what i want to place in the tank, i love Zoo's alot, but i wold like to try to keep an Maze Brain coral. May be some mushrooms, i like the fuzzy grass.


Active Member
You should be able to keep all polyps, zoos, shroom, soft corals, LPS corals and some low light demanding anemoneas. Stuff that reguire "high" lighting is out most anemones like short tentacle all SPS and clams are out of the ? as well. I hope that helped.


Thanks for the advice, it kinda sucks about the clams, they are soo amazing. In time i shall have a very nice tank, im still researching alot of stuff for a bigger tank which i will have in a couple years, just want to get asmuch info soaked into my wee little brain to get everything the way i want it.


Active Member
You might be able to keep something like a dersera clam or the other one I forgot its name. It isnt as dependent on light as the other clams. It filters alot of nutrients "like a skimmer" but it dose need medium light. Even then they might need to placed up on the rocks.