26g quarantine tank with 5 fish..not sure when to move them to display tank


Ok, so I have an 80g display tank that had 2 clownfish, a bicolor angelfish, juvi copperband butterfly and juvi powder blue tang. I think I misdiagnosed the problem on the copperband by having ich now I am 99% sure it is lymphocystis. So I quarantined all the fish and they have been in there for exactly one week. I was wondering if I can move the fish back to the display tank with no problems. Because they show no signs of infection or anything else. I am treating with copper in the QT. Problem now with the QT is that the ammonia is high and so are nitrites and every morning I go and turn the lights on the copperband has lost his color white and is brown/tan but it returns after lights have been on for 5 mins or so? So I am thinking it is nitrite or ammonia poisoning. I really dont want to lose any of these fish and any help would be appreciated. Oh and I have been doing a 20% water change every day for the last 7 days.
I personally think I should put them back in the DT because the quarantine is not cycled yet, but let me know what you guys think cause I need some help. Thanks.


Staff member
Do the fish in question still have whatever you were concerned about? Do you have pictures of this problem, or can you describe it in detail? There are examples of lymphocyctis in the Diseased Fish topic at the top of the Disease Forum.


No the fish no longer show any sign of disease. The CB Butterfly specs that were lymphcyctis have gone away and I haven't seen any bumps on the skin of the Powder blue tang since I put him in the QT. Can't really get photos but think I should be able to put them back soon...hopefully.


2 clown fish and bi color angel fish - 1 year 2months
powder blue tang - 3-4 weeks
copperband butterfly - 4-5 weeks


Staff member
Did you look at the fish picture samples to see if the lymphocyctis examples are what you saw?