26gal cleenup crew, too many?


New Member
I am still planning this tank (26gal bowfront ) but I was gathering info for my cleanup crew the other day and it sounds good from what I have read but... when I sit back and look at this list that I made now, it just sounds like a lot of things for this size tank. Who knows, I could be way off on this since I have only done FW before, hmm...
planning FOWLR, maybe easy corals down the road...
20lbs fiji LR & a DSB
10 Astrea Snail
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
5 Scarlet Reef Hermit
5 Hawaiian Zebra Hermit
1 Sally Lightfoot Crab
1 Emerald Crab
I am also thinking maybe 5 Nassarius Snails and 5 Cerith Snails...
may be adding a few margarita snails to the list. )
1 - Is this a good amount for a 26gal?
2 - Can anyone see incompatability with these?
3 - Is there any type of cleaner that I am leaving out?
Thanks :)


Maybe some margarita's or sara's since they can flip them selves back over. I don't think the turbos can, but maybe.. I've never had turbos. But I know my marg's and saras do!
I like em.


New Member
Yeah, I was thinking about maybe some margarita's too just to give some more variety with the snails.
Another question, what kind of star could I put in this tank eventually, what is a safe
one for a smaller tank? I realize I will have to wait a while after the cycle is fully established. I just like to plan ahead, I am having a lot of fun just planning this stuf actually, heh :)