27 day of the uncured LR!

I just did like a 3 gallon water change, because I tested them and the nitrites were still spiked. They have been like that since like 2 weeks ago. Hopefully, that will help it speed up the process and help it cure faster..it should almost be done.


Nothing good happens in this hobby over night...Don't rush it it will all be worth it in the end. Once your Nitrites fall off you still will have Nitrates to deal with they should come down a little faster. Just take it slow.
Oh I know that lol, Spanko told me that once I get the nitrites to fall to 0 I can put them in mt DT because I am curing them in another container.


Active Member
Good job so far! Keep it up. good times for shaking the rocks around in the water a bit to dislodge accumulated detritus and then do a water change to remove what is suspended in the water column. A turkey baster blowing on the rock is also good at this point just before a water change.


There are different opinions about doing water changes during a cycle.. but I usually wait until the nitrate spike to do a water change. If you change the water during the ammonia or nitrite spike, you're just removing "food" for the bacteria. People say water changes speed up the cycle.. well, sure.. because you're removing food, so there's less food for the bacteria to "do it's cycle", so it happens faster. To me, you just end up with a smaller bacteria colony.
just my opinion.
Well under BangGuys name, he said doing water changes during the curing will keep it alive.
Plus I am curing it in a separate container and as Henry said I most likely dont need go through the nitrate cycle because I am putting them in my DT after the nitrites drop.
I just have to wash the rocks with saltwater first of all. Correct Henry?