$27 Tap Water Filter De-Ionizer Usage Questions


New Member
Used this yesterday to fill up my tank. Its the cheap $27 one you hook to the sink. Did anyone who also uses this product get the "Compression" spring in the box? After using it I saw I got a seperation between the carbon and the resin as the book said might happen. They say if this happens to use the "Resin Compression Spring" yet I got no such thing. Whats the deal? Also when I opened it up and compressed the resin material down via the top filter pad I got a bunch of resin seepage from the sides. Doesn't really look very usable now. Whats the deal?


New Member
I am assuming you are talking about the one from Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I have that one. I have purchased the saltwater master test kit from that company, but didn't recieve the second bottle of the nitrate test solution. I called up the company and they sent me a brand new Nitrate test kit. In my opinion very good customer service. I would give them a call at (800) 847-0659 and explain the situation of the missing spring and they should mail one out to you. Hope this helps.


I have used this system for several years. It works well for me. Mine did come with the spring, however, I only have put it in the system when the filter is near the end of its life. If your is new, separation is strange. I agree with the previous post. Give them a call and ask them for the missing spring and a new filter. The resin should not be leaking out.
Good luck,