2700 gallon shark tank pic trying to post


I am trying to post pics of my 2700 gallon aquarium that will be finshed by x-mass will someone tell my how to do so.


save the pictures on to your harddrive if your using a digital camera. if not a digital camera use a scanner to scan the pics. If you dont have a scanner i think most picutere deveopling places have scanners in which you can save the pics on a disk after you scan them, and then open them on your computer.
And if im answering a question to something youve already done and the pics are already on the computer just goto browse on the post page at the bottom and open the file. If its too big which usually they are u can resize them in paintshop. by going to sketch/skew.
I can post screenshot pics of how to do so if you need.


here it is
there are 2 windows in the aquarium one 96"x36" and the outher 27"x36" for now until It is finshed Its cooling my 300 gallon by GEOTHERMAL. I will post more soon



Originally posted by Liontamer
Yer the whitest kid ever.

WTF is that..... ???
i agree the kid is a dipsh!t ... but come on.. explain yourself


Too bad this thread got hijacked. requiem, be sure to keep us posted on the progress of your project. Might want to use a new thread though. :yes:


sorry to hijack
Originally posted by Liontamer
Please describe the ghetto if u will, cuz I live one mile away from a...."ghetto"... and im certainly not living IN it, nor do I act like I do.

Main Entry: 1ghet·to
Pronunciation: 'ge-(")tO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ghettos also ghettoes
Etymology: Italian, from Venetian dialect ghèto island where Jews were forced to live, literally, foundry (located on the island), from ghetàr to cast, from Latin jactare to throw -- more at JET
1 : a quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live
there is the definition .....
the kid may not act like himself... and you know what he has a problem .. if he can not be himself..... but to say you take offense .... is just as bad as him saying hes from the ghetto... you are no better than him...
if you dont live there dont take offense... you gonna get all defensive when jay-z talks about the ghetto.. and lives in a 40 mill house..???? right?


ghettos actually originated in the 19th century. European christians enclosed jews in small towns(im not talking about the holocaust).


Main Entry: et·y·mol·o·gy
Pronunciation: -jE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -gies
Etymology: Middle English ethimologie, from Latin etymologia, from Greek, from etymon + -logia -logy
1 : the history of a linguistic form (as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by tracing it and its cognates to a common ancestral form in an ancestral language
Etymology of Ghetto
: Italian, from Venetian dialect ghèto island where Jews were forced to live, literally, foundry (located on the island), from ghetàr to cast, from Latin jactare to throw -- more at JET


Well this thread started with something that I was interested in, and turned into plain stupidity. Req - Nice tank man. I would love to see more pictures, including plumbing and filtration. What are the sides of the tank made of? How thick are the windows? Glass or acrylic? More details please.