29 biocube filter mod


i was wondering what people are doing to their biocubes to increase filtration...i read that you can cut the stock filter and remove the carbon and replace with a piece of filter floss, is this a good idea? also should i remove the bio balls and replace with LR rubble, if so how much rubble and should i place a small bag of carbon in the second chamber?


What I did with mine was removed the bioballs and put 2 jars of Seachem's Matrix, 1 bag of Seachem's Purigen and have filter/foam floss over that. I, also, removed the cartridge from the first chamber and have it just laying on top of the grate over the middle chamber, so that the water flows thru it into the filtering media. I keep my water level a little above maximum which for me has prevented the pump spitting out any bubbles. My water flow is great out of the return and I have just added a Maxi-Jet 900 PH for more flow. I just have frags of a kenya tree, a pulsing xenia and yellow start polyps so far and a good size cleanup crew. No fish yet, my tank has only been up since May 1st. I use Seachem's Reef Salt and I have 40 lbs of LS and only 16 lbs of LR so far with plans of adding 10-14 more lbs. Oh, yeah, you never have to replace the Matrix and you just have to recharge the Purigen when it gets too dirty and the floss is very cheap. I do a 4 gal water change every week, I cleaned the filtering media at 1 mos and I just started dosing with Reef Solution. This contains everything needed for coral and fish growth with the exception of calcium or alkalinity adjusters. I'm real happy with this setup so far. My water readings have always been spot on.