29 For QT or Fuge


I paid $35 for a 29 gallon tank drilled complete with 2 bulkheads in it from a lfs going out of business and was originally going to use it as a QT tank but it seems rather large for that. Would it be better used as a fuge for my 45 gallon tall main tank? The only obstacle would be getting my wife to let me drill 2 holes in my hardwood floor to set it up in the basement. The 29 is the same width as the main stand and won't fit underneath. :thinking:


On a side note, If I got a 10 gallon for a QT, any suggestions for a filter and heater? Do I need to be using a skimmer while my inhabitants are in there for a couple of weeks?


Active Member
Why don't you just put the fuge under the tank in the stand??? I don't know if I would drill through your hard wood floor for a 29 gallon fuge. Now if it was a 55 gallon or something like that I could probably see it, but what you have is pretty much a compact setup compared to some of the monsters some of the big guys are running. If you're trying to keep the noise or smell or anything else away from the display area of the house, think about drilling through a wall and putting the fuge in another main level room. Atleast then you can spackle the holes in the wall if you ever try to sell the home. Just my thoughts.


Thanks for the response cprdnick. I would love to put it under the main tank, but the 29 is the same width as the stand for the 45 so that is out of the question. I can't go through a wall either (room on other side) which would be easier. So my only solution is to go into the basement unless I relocate the main tank which I don't want to do.
I might end up scrapping this idea altogether if I/we decide on the 175 bow from oceanic. Then I will built my own sump system for that. I am trying to gain some experience with this 45 before going to a big boy.


Active Member
Here is a couple of ideas
--setup refugium next to display. There are some good looking tanks done this way.
--maybe build a stand for your 42 that WOULD house the 29 underneath.
--put 29 ABOVE the 42 for a refugium.
--Get the 175 and use the 42 for the FUGE!!!!


Originally Posted by Farmboy
Here is a couple of ideas
--setup refugium next to display. There are some good looking tanks done this way.
--maybe build a stand for your 42 that WOULD house the 29 underneath.
--put 29 ABOVE the 42 for a refugium.
--Get the 175 and use the 42 for the FUGE!!!!

Hey..now I like that last idea. Even one better, use the 29 for the sump in addition to the 45 for the fuge
Like I have said before...I got it bad man :D


Ahhhh, thanks dmc888. Got some work in front of me. It appears the leaks are related to the larger tanks at first glance.


Active Member
OR if you want to plumb the basement. . .
Bang Guy made and AEWSOME 900 gallon Lagoon in his!!
He might give you some pointers.