29 Gal. Fish List


New Member
I have a 29 gal tank that has been running for a year now. I have about 10lbs of live rock so far and about 3in or so of live sand. I am in the process of finding a home for my only fish, a little yellow damsel. He is too aggressive to add anything. Once I have him safely settled somewhere else, I was thinking of the following:
1 Percula Clown
2 Firefish
1 Neon Goby
1 Clown Goby
How does that sound? Also, what is the best way to add them? Is it okay to get them all at once? Or, should I get one at a time and if so, how much time in between and what order would be best?


New Member
What is the best order to add these fish? I don't want the first one in to set up a territory and then not be able to add anything else. Is one every two weeks a good space?


Active Member
you should really quarantine your fish with hypo, which can take 1 month. those small fish can by QTd in 10g 2 or three at a time tho.
the only fish that will set up a territory (and defend it) are the clowns but they shouldnt get mean towards gobies, at the most they will nudge them out of the way if they wander too close.


New Member
I do have a second 29 gallon tank that I was going to set up as a QT. It was my husbands freshwater that he no longer uses. What all should I do as far as setting up a QT...or should I just go look for a QT thread?? ha ha ha
The tank has some kind of double bio wheel filter...can I use that if I get knew wheels? Should I put in a little sand and a rock for them to hide behind? I have the two hood lights up on my display tank, so I"d have to move one down while they are in QT.
Just wondering...does everyone leave their QT up? Or just set it up when they are planning to make an addition?


Active Member
i have a 29g QT i keep running at all times. also converted from a FW and using a biowheel. you are fine with that, just replace the wheel as you say. lights dont matter on a qt as fish dont need light to survive, so whatever you have is good. I strongly recomend ZERO calcerous substances in the QT to break the ICK life cycle. this means no sand or rock. instead, you can go bare bottom or put a sheet of plastic down, and use PVC piping or Fake corals (like me). I also run a small UV on it, and added a small PH (600 size)to keep the GPH/flow high enough to prevent Cyano.


New Member
Thanks! I had forgotten about using PVC pipe. I think that is what I will do. I'll probably just do bare bottom. Is it okay to keep a few snails in there for cleaning? Or should I just clean it myself? Thanks for the help, I'm going to get the QT set up this weekend.


Active Member
if you do hypo or copper or pretty much any treatment for ich or anything else, (lol) then the snails will die. i clean with a little syphon vaccuming when im raising or lowering salinity during Hypo.


New Member
Ahhhh, good point. I would have realized that when it came time to put the medication in. :) Thanks for saving me the trouble of fishing snails back out! :)
At my LFS back in Ohio, the owners went out of town for something and one of their wives watched over the shop. Well, she treated ALL the freshwater tanks for ich and killed a ton of snails!!!! They were giving away handfuls of shells to anyone who needed some.