Feeding time has presented its self with a new issue & concern. When I sprinkle the little food particles in the water, I'm concerned that it's being sucked into the upper and lower intake slits. Any ideas on this?
Originally Posted by NVMYCJhttp:///forum/thread/384514/29-gallon-biocube-feeding-time#post_3368435
Feeding time has presented its self with a new issue & concern. When I sprinkle the little food particles in the water, I'm concerned that it's being sucked into the upper and lower intake slits. Any ideas on this?
What food are you using? I thaw out a cube of frozen mysis, rinse it in a net under RO water and feed my fish...the mysis goes all over according to the direction of the current created by the power heads. Some does sucked up in the filter, but so much.
In my 29 biocube I shut down the pump when I feed. Why let the food be sucked into the back chambers to be filtered out, seems counter productive to me. Leave the pump off for 5 minutes or so then turn back on.