29 gallon biocube journal


Active Member
I recently decided to start a journal for my fish tank so let me update u on four years but little Ill have to tell you. Ok in September of 07 I started my fish tank. My first fish were false percula clowns. I had them for a year then got a flame angle. Well my water got cloudy so i brought a protein skimmer two of my fish died and one survied
I wated two years to get another fish then I got a sailfin tang
.But a week later it doveloped a worm and died. I wated another year then got a fire fish goby that was 1 week ago. It is a healthy fish whos territory is a big barnicle. I also still have the same 1 clown fish from September of 07. So thats four years and ill keep you updated.


Ok sailfin tang is going to grow way to big for that Tank #1 what are your Parimeters tests? ect? give us a breakdown of the tank..... so if theres anything we can help with to make things better. We will need this info, Just makes things easyer to help you with, Also a pic would be nice


Originally Posted by levinjos
yeah this is my brother
Then smack him and tell him to stop putting fish that are too large for his tank in a 29G! Neither the flame angel, and certainly not the sailfin tang belong in a 29G. He needs to stick to "nano" fish


Active Member
yo its not my fault its my dads hes used to big tanks and does NOT understand thats why i joind here to ask questions to people who understand


Active Member
Ok its been a while ok here are some recent updates
Fish: Got a royal Gramma and a yellow choris wrasse.
Inverts: Got 6 atrea and 1 nassarius.
UPS : Ive been happy with my progress latley.
DOWNS: My clown is the big bully now and bit my grammas fin off but has recovered succsefully cant even tell that it was ever bitten.
Parimeters are good even the temp is good some of you know its been off latley now its petty consistant never changes.
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia- 0
P.H- 8.2
Nitrate- 10
Nitrite- 0
Temp. 82 degrees
Phosphate- 0.0
and I'm going to my IFS today to get a new fish hopfully my dad will not get his way and get a fench angel and probibly 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 nassarius


Active Member
You know it he thinks it will take years to out grow a 29 but it will be less than a year depending on how old the juvi is well when I get the stuff ill post some pics and updates