29 gallon Biocube


New Member
I have heard some mixed reviews about the 29G biocube from Oceanic. What have you all heard or experienced? Also any nano tanks 24-29G that you would recommend over this tank?


i LOVE my 29 gal bio cube. think about this if you get a 24 gal. the filter rock and sand take up alot of gallons there. so your down to like very little. get the bigger tank and ya got more space. i havent had any trouble with it at all and out of my 16 fresh water tanks its my fav!!!!


New Member
Thanks for the input Blondie, I've read some of your other posts and have taken a look at your tank... Pretty nice. Hopefully I can get something like that going soon. It sounds like if you follow the directions when setting it up you don't have problems, but when you don't follow the directions-then the biocube gets angry and doesn't work right.


Biggest problem and its not really a problem as much as a complaint, is that the hood is not hinged, and the front access door can be a real &*()^% to open some times.....
Water level fluctuation can be a problem if you deviate from standard setup, but it can easily be rectified.


New Member
GSD thanks for the input. I never actually saw one out of the box except in pics. Do you mean that every single time I need to get in there (feedings, etc.) I have to take the whole top off, lights and all?


No, there is a hinged door affair at the front that you lif tup to feed and take water samples etc.....But if you need to hinge up the entire top, thats not gonna work as there is no hinges, so you just lift it up and off totally.....There has been some issues with the hinged feed / access door though as some have been extremely hard to open up....


Originally Posted by jschulz2
Thanks for the input Blondie, I've read some of your other posts and have taken a look at your tank... Pretty nice. Hopefully I can get something like that going soon. It sounds like if you follow the directions when setting it up you don't have problems, but when you don't follow the directions-then the biocube gets angry and doesn't work right.
no...its not following the directions...the directions leave out pieces and steps...it sucks to put the stand together. and it will take 2 ppl. trust me. have the lfs store do it.


Originally Posted by GSD
No, there is a hinged door affair at the front that you lif tup to feed and take water samples etc.....But if you need to hinge up the entire top, thats not gonna work as there is no hinges, so you just lift it up and off totally.....There has been some issues with the hinged feed / access door though as some have been extremely hard to open up....
if i am getting into my tank i dont want the dang lid in my way anyway. but otherwise the lid in the front hasnt ever been a problem for me. every tank will have its ups and downs


dont know about the biocube but i have a 24g aquapod and love it


i bought the 29 biocube only problem is the water where the pump is goes down way to fast. i fill it up to the max line and 6 or 7 hrs later its almost below the line its like a new born baby that i have to always check on.any1 have same problem?any suggestions?


24 aqua
The loss of water is evaporation, and the fans would have an adverse effect on the evaporation rate. Some folks have made the slot wider that allows water entry, not deeper, just wider so more water flows through. Something you should not have to do, if it was designed right from the start IMHO. I have heard others complain that if filled to max level, when its shut off it allows water level to come to or slightly above top of tank and trickle out...dunno, never seen one with water in it yet, but that could be a problem for sure. Unless your water loss is from draw and feed throughout the tank, which should be able to be remidied by slot or water inlet size increase, possibly a restrictor placed inside the pump inlet will reduce pump flow. If its due to evaporation, then slowing fan speed will help, but it would entail buying an adjustable wall wart and a bit of rewireing. Either way I would call the manuf and see what they say before I modded anything or made any permanent changes to the thing.


New Member
Originally Posted by jschulz2
I have heard some mixed reviews about the 29G biocube from Oceanic. What have you all heard or experienced? Also any nano tanks 24-29G that you would recommend over this tank?
I have owned the 29gal bio cube for almost 5 weeks now. I am very satisfied with this tanks performance. Its quiet, has excellent lighting, and a solid hood that holds in water vapors and temperature. The feeding lid is a struggle to open, but i find that if you push forward before lifting up, its not so bad. Also, i'm not sure if this applies to all tanks, but the water filter that was included with the tank, does not fit the specifications of the aquarium manual. Overall i'm happy!


Originally Posted by razpufteef
I have owned the 29gal bio cube for almost 5 weeks now. I am very satisfied with this tanks performance. Its quiet, has excellent lighting, and a solid hood that holds in water vapors and temperature. The feeding lid is a struggle to open, but i find that if you push forward before lifting up, its not so bad. Also, i'm not sure if this applies to all tanks, but the water filter that was included with the tank, does not fit the specifications of the aquarium manual. Overall i'm happy!
The filter location in the back of the tank in the "well" fartherest to the right was not as shown in the manual in my tank. I agree that the front hatch can be a pain to open. As far as the water level in the pump "well" on the left hand side. It does vary but I find that if I fill it to about 3/4 between Min and Max that I can go 2 - 3 days before adding water. If you turn the pump off it does fill up the back sections and it takes a few minutes to level everything out when you turn the pump back on. I wish the well on the right side were a little deeper. It's a perfect place for a heater but the one I bought barely fits in there. would be nice if it was just a bit deeper. I was noticing this morning that there seemed to be a lot of stuff mixed in the water so I am thinking it's time to change the filter. Tank has been running for 3 1/2 weeks now on the original filter.


New Member
Originally Posted by kmc
The filter location in the back of the tank in the "well" fartherest to the right was not as shown in the manual in my tank. I agree that the front hatch can be a pain to open. As far as the water level in the pump "well" on the left hand side. It does vary but I find that if I fill it to about 3/4 between Min and Max that I can go 2 - 3 days before adding water. If you turn the pump off it does fill up the back sections and it takes a few minutes to level everything out when you turn the pump back on. I wish the well on the right side were a little deeper. It's a perfect place for a heater but the one I bought barely fits in there. would be nice if it was just a bit deeper. I was noticing this morning that there seemed to be a lot of stuff mixed in the water so I am thinking it's time to change the filter. Tank has been running for 3 1/2 weeks now on the original filter.
If you buy some bulk filter pad and stuff some of it behind the oceanic filter, it will help the filtration process. Just be careful not to put to much in for the water needs to flow at an adaquate rate for you to maintain your water level in that tank. I was also told to rinse out the filter once a week, which seems to be working for me. Cheers


New Member
I am having a problem with the well on the far left staying full. How important is it for that water to stay above the minimum level? Also this morning it was all the way to the top of the well (way above the maximum level). Is that bad? I noticed that the filter cartridge seems to affect how much water stays in that far left well. I took my cartridge out of the grooves for it and just stood it up in the far right well at an angle and that seems to have improved the amount of water that flows into that chamber, but I am nervous about the water level in the far left chamber. Can it fall below minimum and be safe? Can it go above maximum and be safe?
If it falls below do I just pour water into the well?
Any advice would be appreciated.