29 Gallon Diary


Active Member
I started one awhile back, but I think it got deleted since I never posted pictures and no one really followed it. lol So, I got a camera phone as an early christmas present. It sucks, but it still takes picutres nonetheless so I guess I'm gonna try again.
An overview of what's happened so far!

So I set the tank up in August, let it cycle, and then added my CUC and first fish. I was so desperate to get fish after waiting for my long cycle, I bought a pair of clowns at my LFS that wern't the best looking but it was all they had. They started getting those dreadded white spots the day I added them to the tank, and one died overnight. The other followed the next day, but lucky for me it wasn't ich, it was Brooklynella. I found a local breeder on C-list and bought two adorable little babies that were about the size of my thumbnail. Their names are Bonnie and Clyde, and they're happy and healthy and growing like weeks.
And then my first real scare happened. The entertainment center I had the tank on was bending under the pressure. DIY stand anyone? It's nice and sturdy with a black finish with an undercavity that's covered by nice cabnets.
Last month my dad bought me some PCs he found at the LFS for 50 bucks. Not the best, but better than flourescent stock lighting. =)
Next I added little Roscoe, who is one of my favorite fish. Cute little Royal Gramma. Soon after came Dolche, a yellow-tail blue damsel.
My current corals are:
Torch coral
Candy Cane
Two different types of zoas
A purple and a green mushroom
A brownish-red ric (splitting, yay!)
Pipe Organ Coral
2 clowns
1 Royal gramma
1 Damsel
1 cleaner shrimp
1 peppermint shrimp
1 sally lightfoot crab
10-15 hermits
Fianally, the pics (sorry they're sideways lol):



Active Member
Cool, Looks and sounds good and I can't wait till you find a better camera
that way we will beable to see your tank's true awesomeness!


Active Member
I know, it's so frustrating. *sigh* I was sitting there for like an hour and a half taking picture after picture until my phone told me it was full and then I picked the best ones, which STILL suck.

Yeah, I put the damsel in there specifically because Meowzer said it would be ok. xD I somewhat regret it because now my RG hides a lot more, but she doesn't actually hurt him when she chases him around. She kinda stole his cave and he's all salty about it (no pun intended).


Active Member
Oh, and I got a TINY three headded blastos frag today for $10 =D Can't wait till the hermits declare it "algealess" and it opens up!


Active Member
They're a LITTLE better. Still from my phone, but I did a little editing on PS. Softened them, ballenced the color a little and made them smaller (not to mention rightside up lol). I'm a good photoshopper usually, but there's only so much you can do with such crappy pics to start with. *sigh*
V Absolutly the bravest peppermint shrimp i've ever seen. Usually when I read about them on this site people say they put them in their tanks and never see them. Mine's always out front and cleans my hand just like the cleaner shrimp. Except the peppermint hurts more. lol

V More eating my hand. Everyone does except Roscoe. He's too afraid of Dolche. lol

V Close up of the shrooms. The red one in the middle is splitting, right? And it's a ric? It was the first coral I got, and it's a lot bumpier than the other two (as you can see), but it's not very pretty in comparison to the other rics I've seen. Anyone know what it is? Also, the candy cane in the back is growing two more heads.

V There's little Roscoe in his hole, and my Sally Lightfoot who has yet to be named. He's pretty funny, always out front and if he's on the substrate and you put your finger on the glass he'll run and try to attack it.


Active Member
Yup that's it. Googled it and it was the first pic that popped up. Thanks for the proper id, as always Meozer. =)


Originally Posted by Fretfreak13
Yup that's it. Googled it and it was the first pic that popped up. Thanks for the proper id, as always Meozer. =)
YIPPPEEEEEE...I missed the last few I tried to i.d.

BUT I was sooooo close....if that counts haha


You have a VERY nice tank. I'm so looking forward to getting something in that size range. My 5 gallon is boring me, the only thing i do is feed and push the snails down, escape artists I tell you.


Active Member
Thanks guys! =) lol I have a five gallon too. I agree, pretty boring. The 29 gall is kinda me and my dads "father/daughter" thing and I set up my five gallon without his knowing so he's not really buying me stuff for it. That's my own project and I'm pretty broke so all that's in it is about four inches of sand, a narci snail, and an urcin. It's gonna be a shrimp/goby tank when I get around to buying LR. lol
Wish I could get shots of the zoas and blasto. Too small, I even tried picking up the frag plug and holding it to the glass but my phone doesn't understand what "mirco" is. lawl I'll post pics from google below, these arn't mine but they're the same type. Hope the links work for you guys.
The zoas look like this
The other zoas
The Blastos


Active Member
for the five gallon, do you have a specific goby in mind, I really like the yellow watchman gobys.


Active Member
I will, but it wont be for a loooong time. I'm not even going to make a diary for that tank because I change it so rarely. I have other things to spend money on right now, mainly my BF's christmas present. He bought me a new phone, and I'm buying him a camera, but the present is kinda for me to, cause guess who will be borrowing it to take pictures of her reef? Moi.