29 Gallon HQI BioCube


New Member
I have read many blogs on here and loved all the help they have received from many of you guys, so I have decided that I will mark my journey of setting up my 29 gallon biocube HQI. I have a 14 gallon biocube and learned many things from this tank and it is now time to move on to bigger and better lol .
My plans fof this tank:
-Phoenix 14k Bulb (For the blue type shade)
-Roughly 30 lbs of live sand
-Start out with 20 lbs of base rock
-Biocube Circulation pump
I will be breaking down my 14 gallon biocube and transfering everything to this tank. I have a Koralia nano, Pacific Coast Chiller, and a Penn Plex canister filter for flow and temp. control. As for live stock I have 2 clowns, yellow watchman gobby, Fire shrimp, 1 bicolor pseudochromis and a small CUC. I also have several corals that are coming along and will have pictures as soon as I can get my camera working:
As this tank is getting set up I was thinkng of adding water from my 14 gallon to speed up the cycle. Does anyone have any experiance with this?


Active Member
Really won't do much if anything to help with the cycling time. The bacteria that do the nitrifying and denitrifying are resident on the hard surfaces of the tank, not in the water column.


New Member
Thank you both meowzer and spanko, I'm looking forward to this tank and I can't wait to get it. I have called several different places and so far only one has it but its almost 200 miles away from me. It seems that oceanic is having a hard time keeping up with the demand of this new tank!
Another question!
I have successfuly ran my 14 gallon biocube for well over a year now with no carbon. I have had no problems what so ever, For these bigger tanks I am not so sure. I plan on adding no more fish but I do want several more corals in there. even tho this tank is an up-scaled version of my littler one will the same basic princables apply?


Active Member
Yes the same basics apply. However depending on what "more corals" you add the running of carbon may help with some of the chemical warfare that occur with some coral.