29 Gallon Reef for sale in FL


Just got word that I am now moving to Portland OR. I am taking a new position out there with a HUGE raise, which will provide me with the ability to build my dream tank. So, I have my 29 gallon reef, with canopy, stand, tank, filtration, skimmer, T-5 lighting as well as 96 watt PC. I can sell in pieces or in whole but I cant sell the equipment until the livestock has found new homes.
I am not sure what to ask for all of it. Get me here or my e-mail is joshh81@yahoo.com if your intrested.
The tank has:
29 gallon all glass aquarium
Black pine stand
Black pine canopy
Coralife Superskimmer
Fluval 404
Coralife 96 watt 50/50 PC
Coralife 36 watt 18 watt 10,000K Day and 18 watt True Actinic 03 Blue
Ruffly 55-60 lbs of live rock
Not sure exacltly how much live sand, its about 2-3 inches deep with fiji pink
Medium - Large Purple Firefish. Most beautiful colors I have ever seen.
Medium - Black clarkii
Medium - Mandarin ( I named him reefer. He will eat anything... frozen, live, anything)
Small - Diamond head goby
XX-Large Coral banded shrimp. I can honeslty say, the LFS nor I have ever seen one so huge. It has to be a female due to its size. She is a lover not a fighter.
3 turbo snails
4 blue legged hermit
1 red legged hermit
Pink tipped Elegance coral. Its neon green and eats very well. It currently has at least atleast 7-8 mouths and growing by the day.
Large flowerpot with 2 new babies growing (see my other thread on it reproducing)
Super large Red / Neon Pink button coral
Large rock with 6-8 Young Blushing Finger Leather Coral or cauliflower coral. Cladiella sp. I think. It has a couple feather dusters as well a mushroom or 2 attatched.
Star polyps
2 HUGE colonies of pulsing xenia. 2 large flat rocks with at least 30+ stalks. They are growing so fast I have to use razor blades to remove the wanderers.
Toadstool leather coral (not for sale individually, comes with tank or back to donater)
Yellow gorgonian (not for sale individually, comes with tank or back to donater)
Green star polyps
large Hairy mushroom (not for sale individually, comes with tank or back to donater)
Hairy mushrooms
Blue Mushrooms
2 Kenya Trees (not for sale individually, comes with tank or back to donater)
All kinds of frozen food, AP test kits including phos, calc, iodine, etc.
Here are some pics. If you want pictures of anything specific let me know and I can get them to you.

A nighttime pick... she is very active at night. Comes only to eat during the day.

I just moved it over to the bigger rock so it would get into trouble with the button coral.


More pics...
I need to take an updated picture. It has grown alot since this picture was taken and has at least 3 new mouths....



Originally Posted by cantbstopd
i may be interested in your elagance coral, blue mushrooms (only if they are really blue), and maybe the button coral. can you send some more pics to me of these. send to tyedyed1@comcast.net. thanks.

I will go take some pics for you now. I will have to send them later tonight because I have to go head into work in a minute. I will send them when I get home later tonight.

fat clown

New Member
just me, and I am in no way trying to be mean but how can you sell things that where given to you? I can understand if you paid money for it but I thought most of the corals in your tank where given to you from people on this very site becasue your tank crashed while you were gone in Iraq.
Why not do what people did for you and give away the corals that people gave you to help people that need help to get started in the hobby?
Like I said I can understand that your selling the stuff you bought I just think its shady if your selling the things people gave you.


I am e-mailing the people who donated and they get a nice percentage of what ever comes out of the sale of the tank or they I will ship the pieces back. I didnt know I was moving to OR until yesterday afternoon and I dont see how its possible for me to move this tank 3,000 miles away.
I was currently writting the e-mails when you spoke up. I have not forgotten who donated and they will be properly rewarded. The only things that were donated were a single large hairy mushroom, a yellow gorgonian, the 2 kenyan trees, and a toadstool leather. These items are not for sale individualy. I should have posted that earlier.
I will not sell these items. They are only allowed to be sold if the tank is purchased in whole or if the people who donated them whish for them back, I will ship them back at no cost to them. I have already been asked about one of those items and I told the person no.
I am thankful for everything that was given to me. I am grateful, but I cannot move this tank 3,000 miles away. The inhabitants would shurley die on the trip out there.


The lights just turned back on, so everything is waking up now. Give it a few hours and I will post those new pics.
Vinnyl - I will send you the pics you asked for here in a little while.


Some updated pics from today. If anyones intrested let me know.
One picture was taken right before the lights came on and the rest were taken after the lights came on.



Originally Posted by cantbstopd
i may be interested in your elagance coral, blue mushrooms (only if they are really blue), and maybe the button coral. can you send some more pics to me of these. send to tyedyed1@comcast.net. thanks.

send an e-mail..... thanks


Active Member
Purple firefish
Meat/donut/button cynarina coral
All mushrooms (blue and fuzzy)
All hermits
All snails
Shipping Express Mail (Overnight via USPS--$22 I believe)
Will pay immediately.


Originally Posted by cantbstopd
i may be interested in your elagance coral, blue mushrooms (only if they are really blue), and maybe the button coral. can you send some more pics to me of these. send to tyedyed1@comcast.net. thanks.

still interested.......sent e-mail, waiting for responce.