29 Gallon Reef for sale in FL


E-mails have been sent out to everyone now.... sorry for the delay, I have been out of town the last couple days. Hope everyone is having a great day!


Active Member
Payment sent (as discussed offline) for: Purple firefish, all crabs, all snails, button coral, blue mushrooms, and frilly mushrooms with overnight shipping on Monday. THANKS! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Originally Posted by Joshh81
E-mails have been sent out to everyone now.... sorry for the delay, I have been out of town the last couple days. Hope everyone is having a great day!

lol i must be nobody.....i never got mine. :notsure: ive been trying to get the elegance, blue mushrooms and the buttons, (second response to your post)
but now i guess they have been sold.
guess i need to make a trip to the lfs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cantbstopd
i may be interested in your elagance coral, blue mushrooms (only if they are really blue), and maybe the button coral. can you send some more pics to me of these. send to tyedyed1@comcast.net. thanks.

Sorry...guess your post was too vague with 'may' be interested. And the blues are not true blues. And 'maybe' the button.
I emailed him with the request and the initial offer....then we took it from there.
If it makes you feel any better, I paid quite a bit more than the offer I put in the thread earlier.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
If it makes you feel any better, I paid quite a bit more than the offer I put in the thread earlier.

:hilarious that's grand.... :hilarious "may" means that im thinking about buying....give me a price. I never got a price or what he wanted for trade......I guess i need to use my psychic powers next time. if it makes you feel any better i had over $100 set aside for the purchase of just corals...you bought other stuff as well ***)


Hey I never recieved an E-mail for the few items I had given you I believe it was the toadstool,gorgonian and/or the starpolyps? let me know,maybe you sold them,if so how much did you get for them? Maybe you'd like to send them back?
So long-Pete


Originally Posted by fish1031
how much for everything picked up?

E-mail me at Joshh81@yahoo.com and I will work out the details with you.
Hey Pete... i havent sold anything yet. I sent an e-mail out to you asking if you just wanted the 10% or if you wanted the 3 pieces back. Its for sale all togther, not individualy and I was planning on sending you a check for 10% of the total sale unless you asked for the pieces back.... shoot me an e-mail at joshh81@yahoo.com just to make sure I sent your e-mail out the the right person.


Originally Posted by Catawaba
I guess now everything is healthy again..... :notsure:
what happen why was your money refunded???...i am thinking about the elegance, frogspawn, and the bright red button (???)


Active Member
Supposedly everything was great, I paid, and then Shazam the tank/inhabitants didn't look good only 3 days later.....I'm a bit suspicious.
I was going to get mushrooms, button coral, crabs, firefish, etc.
Seller feedback has an additional comment from reckler regarding seller....
Best wishes.