I have a 29 obviously and wondering what kind of filtration do you others have, I have a 3000 millenium filter and wish to swtich to like a fluval or something and wondering what else are my options.
In mine I have a penguin biowheel 125 and LR for filtration. I run a penguin 550 powerhead for circulation. I'm *considering* a bakpak skimmer down the road.
I started out with a Via Aqua 620 tank, which came with a top mechanical filter. I have sinced removed that, and only used a skimmer until recently, when I moved that over to the new 60g. Now I am using straight Berlin in my 29g short term, until I move everything over to the 60g.
You don't necessarily need a skimmer AND a filter. One or the other may be fine.
I have one of the new Prizm skimmers rated for 90 G . Once a month I use the media cartrige they provide to run carbon for 3 to 4 days but usually that's empty. I reused a 2000 millenium filter that I had on an old 10 G tank. I removed the mechanical sponge and carbon cartrige and use the extra space for running phosphate removing media. So the millenium has the biological cartrige and allows me a place to place media bags and also acts as an additional power head or water circulation. Two additional power heads in the tank each rated for 117G/H and 40# LR with 4 to 4 1/2 " of LS. The system has been up for 4 months and perfect water level sofar but I have a small bio load and feed once every other day.
You really shouldn't need any mechanical filtration beyond your LR and DSB. I run a bakpak skimmer, but I really don't need it. It's just a handy place to keep the heater and run carbon from time to time.
I think I am going to take out the bio part of my millenium 3000 and put my sea lab no.28 in there. The only thing is that my cartiages really take a lot of junk out of the tank so I think I might keep it.
i just set up a new 29 gallon tank that is dedicated to 3 types of xenia. i set up a 5 inch DSB made from southdown that i've been cycling in a sump of homemade LR that i made for this project. i have a 10 gallon sump. i put a berlin turbo in the sump. i really like this skimmer(i recommend). i uses a mag 5 to pump back to the tank. the hood only uses 4 20w bulbs. 1 actinic, 1 10,000, and 2 50/50's. they run off two workhorse5 ballasts(only 10 bucks each!). thas abot it besides 2 micro jet 302's for circulation, and an amimiral overflow. seems to work good for a fairly inexpensive tank.
inhibitants include:
5 fiji pom poms
4 blue xienia
5 purple xenia
various patches of GSP and daisy polyps
3 purple and yellow carnation frags
toadstool frag
woods polyps
white anthelia
5 green chromis
1 tiny perc that lives in a ricordia patch
1 baby copper band butterfly
this whole tanki is aquacultured including all fish.
my new little project.
my 29 has a 20 gallon sump, a 15 gallon refugium, and a berlin turbo style skimmer. i have a mag 5 that i use as a return pump through a standard return line fitting, and behind my rockwork i have a pair of small maxi's (forget the rating). the plumbing all goes down via a standard u tube overflow.
I have a 29gal reef, using fuval 304, prism skimmer and 4 powerheads. 2 65watts pc's. 35lbs of liverock, with 50lbs of live sand.
green open brain
2 mushroom rocks
2 poylp rocks
finger leather
flame scallop
lawnmower blenny
yellow goby
3 pep shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 red claw crab
green brittle star.
Originally posted by cliffrouse11bas
I have a 29g with a penguin 330 with a cpr bakpak 2r and 2 powerheads for circulation going to get another one before long.
holy poop we have the exact same thing. dont ya love it? and please do me a favor i have a fuval on my 30 gallon ciclid tank dont get 1 it is a pain to start i hate myn and wish i never got it. just go with what cliffrouse11bas and i have it does the job and i have not had any problems yet.
just my $.02