29 gallon set up


Active Member
I am ordering parts to set up a 29 gallon system. I have ordered an Aqua C Remora Maxijet 1200 Skimmer so far but am unsure what to add next.
I have questions about what if any type of hang on filter should I use and also where a power head will come into all this. If I do a power head and skimmer w/live rock do I still need to add a filter? Likewise if I add a filter and have the skimmer will I need a power head also?
How much live rock will I need for various set-ups?
I am starting this tank as FOWLR w/ PC lighting to have the option of adding zoos and shrooms later on.
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


Well, you could do a skimmer, powerhead, and filter. Some people skip the filter altogether as long as they've got skimmer and powerheads. I feel better having a powerful one (Fluval 304 on a 29) along with a skimmer and two power-heads. The power-heads you definitely will need, preferably two. You need to credte water movement and lots of it! It's best to put them on opposite sides of the tank. I have one set up on the right side facing left all the way on the bottom, one on the left side facing right half-way up, and the output from the filter creates a current on top. So everything's covered! You have to especially make sure there's current going through the rocks and no dead spots exist.
As far as live rock, you will need roughly 35 lbs (you could do more, or a little less). Actually I think a better measure than weight (some rocks are lighter than others) is that the rocks should occupy a third to half of your tank volume. But make sure the rock is fully cured if you already have creatures in the tank!


Active Member
What about attaching one of those rotating wavemaker things to one of the powerheads and putting it in the center of the tank? Would that help circulation? (i read someone had done that- it sounded kind of cool.....)


Active Member
And if I did a filter and skimmer do I need live all rockto start? I am putting down a base of mostly dead sand but will seed it with about 5 lb. live sand from LFS. If I am doing FO at this point I could start with base rock and top it off with live rock, maybe 20 lbs live?


I think most people don't use wave-makers, and a wave-maker won't increase the number of gallons being circulated. The circulation should be at least ten times you volume, so say 300gph. If you put one really powerful device in the center it will blow the fish away in a small tank! A couple of smaller ones on opposite sides would be better, I think. Outflows of water-pumps can generally be rotated, so you occasionally move it in some new direction for variety if you want!
I think you could probably get away with your rock set up, though I think the more rock the better!! :yes:


Just to let you know, I also have a 29 gallon setup, and if you haven't already bought it, DON"T!!! I love my little tank, but it is a lot of work. I used to have a 55 gallon before I moved, and it is much easier to maintain than a 29 gallon. Everything is to such an extreme because there is such a small amount of water. And, you end up spending as much money on a little tank as you would one twice as large! Just my two cents!


Active Member
Already purchased Texasex- it is an uprgrade compaired to my 16 gallon. :) I would have gone larger but space is an issue. High maintanence is theme for my tanks I guess......wish me luck!


Active Member
Just wondering how it's going fishmamma. Where are you at. How exciting, huh? I'm into week 2 of cycling my 37gal. I can't imagine that a 29 would much different. Keep me posted. I would love to be able to follow your progress...and make comparisons, if you don't mind. I'm newer at this than you are, and I would love your input.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I am picking up my new tank this weekend- have the aragonite sand and salt waiting. I also have the protein slimmer, heater and power head on the way. So not much action there yet...........but I added live stock to my 16 gallon last weekend. Initially I added a sand bed and seeded it w/ 1lb. live sand from LFS and put in about 23 pounds of live rock. I got a very small cycle out of it- lasted 2 weeks. 1 week in I added some hermits. Last weekend I added a pair of false perc's- they are so adorable and seemed happy together in the tank immediatly. Yesterday I picked up the rest of my cleaning crew- various snails, more hermits, and an emerald crab.
My parameters have been stable so far- I check them every 24-48 hours. Last weekend I spent half a day babysitting 2 gallons of water trying to get it to the temp and salinity of the tank- LOL!! Hopefully that will become easier as time goes on.........
What are you planning on putting in your tank once you are done cycling? What kind of equipment do you have on it? :jumping: Are you having fun staring at your live rock? :)


Active Member
Right now I have a Millenium 2000 filter (looking into getting a protien skimmer), 2 maxi jet 600 powerheads, my heater is just a whisper 40 (works great, by the way). I'm thinking that I need to get another powerhead in because my 37 is a square 37 and not rectangle, so I think I need to get some bottom circulation. I just ordered some new lighting last night, expecting that to come early next week (hopefully). Right now I'm just running a run of the mill flourescent.
I have about 10# of base rock, 40# of sand (not live), and about 27# of live rock...I really need more rock, mostly because my tank is so deep.
So far, from the live rock and during cycling, I have 3 featherdusters with many more tubes forming on that rock (we're referring to that rock as "featherduster hill" and that rock was sold to me as a base rock!!), a really pretty burgundy polyp of some kind that I brought home last weekend on a small piece of live rock, but mid-week she decided to move to a piece of live rock next door (I thought I'd lost her there for a while...). And the showcase right now is a bumble bee snail named Speedy who was also a hitch hiker...but alas, he only makes his presence known every 2-3 days.

I can't believe with this hobby how quickly you start looking at "upgrades"...dang!! My family and I are all scuba divers...actually that's what turned me on to salt water aquariums...I just wanted a little piece of heaven in my home :happy:
Well fishmamma, let me know what you think...oh yeah, for the first year (at least) my tank will be a FOWLR.


Active Member
Lisa your tank sounds awesome! So its a cube then? I have never seen one of those- post some pics if you can- I would love to see it!! Speedy.....I think I remember reading a post about him a little while back, glad he is alive and well! Where did you get your "base rock"? I was also thinking of doing base and live for the 29 gallon but wasn't sure how to buy the base stuff. I only see fiji live at my LFS store(s).
Very cool about the dusters, I was wondering when it would be safe to add them. Are you feeding them anything?
Is your filter a hang-on outside model? I still need one of those for my new tank. I did order one of the maxi 600's to start. I have Current lighting for both tanks- Single for 29, and Dual Satellite for 16 so I can do soft corals etc. when I get the confidence. :eek: I like the Satellite units because they come with a fan and moon light.
What kind of fish are you thinking of adding?
Cleaner shrimp are next on my list.


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LOL- your scuba comment was funny because I have always said I need a saltwater tank, my snorkle and some Jimmy Buffet so I can go to the Islands any day of the week!


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:cheer: I just realized you are a WI girl! I lived in Stevens Point for 8 years. :cheer: Miss the cheese not the snow. :D


Active Member
Lisa your tank sounds awesome! So its a cube then? I have never seen one of those- post some pics if you can- I would love to see it!! Speedy.....I think I remember reading a post about him a little while back, glad he is alive and well! Where did you get your "base rock"? I was also thinking of doing base and live for the 29 gallon but wasn't sure how to buy the base stuff. I only see fiji live at my LFS store(s).
Very cool about the dusters, I was wondering when it would be safe to add them. Are you feeding them anything?
Is the your filter a hang-on outside model? I still need one of those for my new tank. I did order one of those maxi 600's to start. I have Current lighting for both tanks- Single for 29, and Dual Satellite for 16 so I can do soft corals etc. when I get the confidence. I like the Satellite units because they come with a fan and moon light.
What kind of fish are you thinking of adding?
Cleaner shrimp are next on my list.
Sorry, I needed to copy and paste your questions and comments so I could answer appropriately.
First of all, my 37 isn't really a cube and I think that's why it's SO deep!! I love this tank because it's just so different from anything that I've seen. It's perfectly square, 30" x 30" from the front view, it is only about 18" deep (this makes stacking rock a little difficult...I don't want rock touching glass...or worse yet, falling into glass :scared: ).
My filter is HOB, and so far I'm very happy with, but who knows, down the line, that's why I'm looking into a protien skimmer...not really sure where I'll go from there, I guess that depends on where my research takes me.
I'm really excited, and can't wait for my new lighting fixture to get here next week. I decided, that since I'm going to be FOWLR for at least the first year, I bought some awesome (hopefully) PCs. I'm just really looking forward to seeing the difference in how my tank looks...though the dominant color in there right now is brown...cycling...
As far as Speedy and my dusters go...they came in on my rock. I can NOT believe how fast featherdusters grow....holy mackerel!!! They're doing great. As far as feeding them, they apparently filter nutrients from the water (same as the little polyp I have)...sheesh...I must have some pretty good water!! Speedy seems to come out every other day or so...does his thing...and then goes into hiding. I've stopped worrying about him...he's great. My money says that he'll be out and about on Sunday morning before the lights go on. We'll see.
Anything else? Great to find someone else in the "process"
Thanks, Lisa :cheer:


Active Member
Yeah, I got made fun of a lot when we moved out here. Or "hee-a" as they say it in Mass. I now have a mixed breed accent. A little New England with a touch of Mid-West. :)
It has been great chatting with you. I am so obsessed over this hobby right now I am even dreaming about it at night. :needhelp: Sounds like your tank is coming right along. My bow front is deep in comparison to standard tanks so I only have rock in the bottom half of the tank......scared of an avalanch!! :scared:
Did you order your rock off the web?


Active Member
No, I didn't order my rock off of the web...mostly because there is a gem of a person at my LFS whom I've done other business with in the past. So I've been going in and picking out what I think will work (wierd tank, remember?). I definitely need to get more LR, but my concern is that I will need to readjust everybody, and I don't want to compromise my FDs. Still thinking this through...:thinking:
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Well it sounds like you have an excellent live rock source. I am still searching for 'base rock', other than red lava rock on shelves at those pet store chains.