29 gallon set up


New Member
The base rock that I got was just dry stuff at the LFS. I only bought those 2 pieces because they were pretty cool looking. I went today and bought another 2# piece of live rock. I had to do a little rearranging, but I got it to fit in my tank perfectly...it's looking more and more like I want it to. :jumping:...well ok, probably a little more rock...
Well, I was just browsing, and thought I would check in. Got any ideas about diatoms?...my tank is covered in them. Any suggestions are appreciated...
Thank you,
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Eli- wish I could help......my fish are swimming in a rust covered sea of live rock! I am waiting for it to go away.
Still waiting. :)


i also have a 29 gal tank and just completing the cycle. on the subject of water movement, i'm using an SCWD (SWITHING CURRENT WATER DIRECTION). it is conected to my water pump in my w/d filter. this alternates the current form one powerhead to the other. very reasonably priced.


Active Member
Sounds like a cool thing. I will check it out! So far I have a hang on bio-wheel filter and a Maxi-jet 600 for water circulation/turnover.


Active Member
Sorry fishmamma,
I accidentally posted under my daughter's username (Eli)...yeah, that was me

She's going to start doing her own research, see how my tank goes in the next year or so, and then start one of her own...sounds like great gift ideas to me :)
Actually, the base rock that I bought initially was considered semi-base??? that's where all the featherdusters came from, and actually I have some pretty cool corraline on those already (sheesh...2.99/#!!!!) not bad.


Active Member
Wow Lisa, that is a great price! I have not seen that but I will have to start asking around.
How old is your daughter? That is great she is getting so in to this!! I have tanks set up in my son's room but he just likes to point at the fishies through the flass......he is one. :D
Any news on the diatoms? Mine keeps getting worse. :hilarious I though these things were suppost to come in AND leave with a bang?? Just added my protein skimmer yesterday and I still have two dead snails I can't reach fowling up my tank. :rolleyes: Oh, and I had a hermit molt. At first I thought it was another tank tragedy. :sleepy:


New Member
Sorry to just drop in like this but I as readinng through and i just had to tell you about this site were a guy has a really awesome 29 gallon. Go to www.melevsreef.com and just follow the links and check it out. I have a 29 gallon and once I saw this it totally changed the firection that I am going to take my tank. Hope this help a little.