29 Gallon Snowflake - Wrasse


I am thinking of buying like a 7in Snowflake Eel for my 30 Gallon FO. I have right now a six-line wrasse and hes 2.5in. I would not like to loose him, but I dont think its probable since hes sooo fast of a swimmer, and hides well during the night within the rock work. Will the eel sniff him out and have mid-night snack? Also will eels eat starfish? Thanks Evan


Active Member
A 29g is too small for a snowflake. He might find your wrasse, but snowflakes mainly feed on crustaceans. They will pick at starfishes legs. Bo


Active Member
gota watch out too those are super leapers... i swear my old snowflake (sold him back to lfs) used to smack the glass lid 2 times a night lol he got out once.. while i was next to it.. i think he was trying out for the carpet surfing Olympics


Herd many people put there snowflakes into a 30 gallon...anyways I wont do it....taking risks is not my buisness in this hobby


Active Member
Yeah, many people keep sfe's in a 30g, but IMO it is still too small. A sfe can reach up to 36" (only seen 1 that big), and they do like to swim around a lot at night. I'm glad you chose to reconsider your fish choices. That's not something you see to much in this hobby. Bo


I have my snoflak in a 20 gal hex tank....He seems to be doing great. The only time I ever lost an eel was when he decided he wanted to eah my huge blue legged crab....I got back from my trip and saw that my crab was missing and that my eel had a huge lump in the middle of him....um I wonder where my crab went....needless to say the neighbor girl who was feeding my eel was a little traumatized when see saw my eel pulling him out of his shell and eating him. anyways you should be fine if thats all you are putting in your tank.
have fun
I love eels


Well I did it, I have 4 fish total in there and thats all that will ever be in there. I got a 7" snowflake eel and a blue spot boxfish (male). The boxfish keeps the snowflake WELL in line, I hope hes not hurting him or anything, but the snowflake seems afraid. I hope he grows out of the boxfishs harrassment.


Treble a Blue spot Boxfish and a SFE in a 30, hope you've got a bigger tank because in about 6 months you'll need it!