29 Gallon SW update...


I thought I would share some recent pics of my 29 gallon......any constructive criticism is welcome
Clown Fish

Emerald Crab

Yellow Watchman Goby

Sorry for the poor quality of the pictures . The corals and tank in general look a lot better in person.


well, the video's quality is not the best but you get an idea of what the tank looks like. This is my first SW tank and I can't stop staring at it all day long..... :)
I have a FW 20 gallon long that am going to turn into SW within the next few months. Since I set up this SW tank, my FW tank is boring. I think that SW fish have a lot more personality than FW and the corals look amazing .


Active Member
that is so true.
fw is just not as fun or as expensive lol.
You have done a great job with your first tank.
I'm impressed.


Thanks for all the positive feedback :) I agree with you(fish1031) that SW is a lot more expensive than FW. I have spent soooo much money on this SW tank that I don't want to keep track of the amount anymore. But I know it is close to $2000dlls. Fish, Corals, invertebrates, Kits tests, food, salt......the list is endless...oh well, I have to spend my money somewhere and since I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs and rarely go out to clubs or bars am happy to spend my money on fish.


Active Member
its true. a good positve and healthy way to spend your money. Wait until you want a bigger tank... like a 150-200gallon lol... Very Expensive!


Originally Posted by DeMartini
wow! your tank is so beautiful!
Thanks for kind words...
I think your tank is awesome and in fact I really got inspired when I saw your tank for the first time. I hope someday mine looks as nice as yours.

The tank is fairly young and it has only been set up for 8 weeks. I will be adding more corals and one or two more fish. Sorry for the crappy pics, I guess I could have used a tripod to get better pics but I was a bit lazy :happyfish .



Originally Posted by costa13
also what is your fish list?...in the video it looks like you have a lot of flow
The fis in the tank are...............
2 Clown fish
1 Bicolor Blenny
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Red Fire Shrimp
2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Emerald Crab
5 Blue Leg Crabs
6 Snails

Green Metalic Torch
Green Tip Fogspawn
Pink Tip Fogspawn
Candy Cane
Pulsing xenia
Green Star Polyps
Orange face green skirt Zoanthids
Yellow/green center orange skirt Zoanthids
Green Palys
All the fish, corals and invertebrates are doing super well!!!

I am currently using 3 powerheads, 2 Rio 200 and 1 Maxijet 600. I would like to subsititue the 2 Rio for 1 Maxijet but am broke! :happyfish This tank has drained my bank account. I will have to wait a couple of weeks before I can buy the Maxijet powerhead.
I almost foget to mention that I am not using a skimmer. I just do a weekly water change ....oh! and I use tap water



Originally Posted by yomommasmom
ok i bought an yellow watchman 2 days ago and he never eats
I bought my Yellow Watchman Goby and Bicolor Blenny at the same time and at first they did not eat anything. They both went behind the same rock and rarely came out during the first few days. I was worried that they would starve and die but after 4 or 5 days they started eating.
Sometimes it takes a few days for some fish to start eating, so don't worry too much, give them a few days to adjust to their new home and am sure they will start eating.
You should get a Bicolor Blenny, they are so much fun to watch. He is actually my favourite fish.....



Originally Posted by Kiddie LaLa
One word to describe your tank..... FAWLESS

Thanks for your positive comments.... :cheer: I am really enjoying this SW tank. I did a lot of research for a couple of months before seting up this tank and it is paying off.