29 gallon tank with 55 lbs of live rock


I have a 29 gallon high tank with 55 lbs of live rock and I am only using a whisper daul filter as filterations in the tank with the live rock. Should I use anything more?

fish fry

Welcome to the board,
I would suggest a protien skimmer. They are extremely beneficial. If for some reason you don't want one I would suggest a DSB (deep sand bed) with some marco algae. this will also help to remove organic waste.
Any more ?'s just ask
Fish Fry


My tank has been set up for 45 days and the PH is 8.2, Amonnia is 0, Nitrite is 0 and everthing is going good. I have 13 Hermit Crabs, 5 Snails, and 2 Clown fish 2 inches. Is the Hang over the back filter and the live rock enough filteration for the tank?


Active Member
I answered your other post about the skimmer, but are you using any substrate? LS has more filtration than LR, hands down. My .02, use a deep sand bed if you don't have any substrate.


What is a Substrate? What is a Refugium? And Yes, I forgot to mention that I do have about 15 lbs of crushed coral and then I added about 25 lbs of Live Sand on top of that.
Thanks for the replies.


Active Member
substrate is what's on the bottom of your tank. In your case, it is cc and some LS. a DSB ( deep sand bed) is highly recomended for nitrate control. (it also looks nice) A dsb is about 4" deep of LS. It's expensive but most people feel it is worth it. A refugium is a seperate tank with a dsb, LR rubble and some macro algae. It is another way to control the nitrates in your tank. You can make one your self, or buy one pre-made like the cpr aquafuge hang on the back type of "fuge" ( I have the large aquafuge) hope this helps.


I too have a 29 g with 55 lbs of Figi and florida aquacultuer rock. I have 30 snails, 25 crabs, 1 emerald, 2 seroents and 3 perc clowns. I use 40 lbs of live sand( 3-4 inch bed). Lots of soft coral
The only filtration is a prizm skimmer and a aquaclear 200 for water movement (no media). And a power head.
this set up works perfect for me. All my water test come out perfect no problems. Just mentioning what works best for me!


Active Member
My DSB is made out of Southdown Tropical Playsand. I got it at home depot for less than $4 a bag. That with your current LS will be all you need. It's just a pain in the butt to swap.
good luck.


oh yeah
IMHO, get the skimmer, tehn ditch the box filters all together, we had 2, and could not do much with the nitrates, until we ditched them, they can however be used for additional circulation without any filter media in them, just as empty pumps